Chapter 20

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"I don't even know where to begin." Willow started as they both sat across from each other in the living room with each a cup of tea in their hand.

"What happened yesterday...I don't know what came over me. I thought we were on the same page as you proposed that, but something just triggered me and I was in complete panic mode" she explained as George had his eyes fixed on her with a concentrated look on his face.

"I'm sorry. I really am." she continued and then stopped, looking at him to say something next.

"So that means...?" George asked curiously, not sure what to conclude from her words.

Willow was quiet for a second. She looked at George, then out the window and then back at him.

"Will you ask me the question again?" she approached the moment carefully.

George let out a sigh, put his cup on the coffee table and stood up. He went over to her and reached both of his hands out for her, which she gladly grabbed and stood up too.

"Are you, Willow Thompson, willing to accept my request to be your boyfriend?" he said in his playful manner, where he put on a different character to make serious things less stiff.

Willow nodded heavily, ready to kiss him, but he didn't.

"You know, I need to hear a yes" he delayed their act of mutual appreciation.

"YES! Now kiss me you fool!" Willow exclaimed loudly.

They shared a passionate kiss, at which George wrapped his arms so tight around Willow she thought he was going to break her ribs.

"Now let's make pancakes. I'm starving." George expressed his hunger as soon as their lips parted.

"Yes please!" Willow agreed right away.

George had to leave to the Mercedes HQs for a meeting soon after they had finished breakfast. This time, Willow didn't come with since she had to do some last minute perfecting on her thesis, which she would have to hand in at the end of the week.

Summer was over and the reality of university was returning soon. Nevertheless they managed to find a date the next week to go and play tennis together. They would go on Wednesday, right before George would have to leave to the Russian Grand Prix.

What Willow hadn't told him, was that this Sunday it would be her birthday. The 19th of September would be her 23rd birthday. She hadn't planned much since she never really liked her birthday. Only dinner with not more than 5 friends and she would be at her parents house the following weekend to celebrate.

As George was waiting inside the Mercedes Headquarters for his meeting to start, he scrolled through Willow Instagram. After he had liked her latest pics and looked at the rest of them - most of them for way too long admiring her - he moved onto her tagged pictures.

There were a few but only one stood out to him - a picture of her with cake smashed in her face, posted by some girl named Carmen. The caption said: Happy Birthday to you, my friend! Going strong since kindergarten! Enjoy the cake!

George looked at the picture and then at the date it was posted at - 19th of September 2018. He took a quick glance at his watch that also displayed the date. It was currently the 16th so that meant her birthday was in three days. How had she not mentioned that? Wasn't that one of the more bigger things in life? A birthday?

He decided to text her.

"When were you planning on telling me it's your birthday on Sunday? How am I supposed to get a gift that quickly?"

Just as he sent the text, he got called into the conference room so he had to put his phone away. The whole meeting he was tempted to fake a trip to the toilet only to have a look at his phone, which continued to vibrate from time to time in his pocket.

Finally after two hours of talking and debating about the next season ahead of them, George got out of that conference room. To his dismay, Toto Wolff himself offered to walk him to his car. George loved talking to Toto - he was a very grounded, nice man who had always believed in George and now finally gave him a chance to really show his talent, but right now he wanted to do nothing else besides say goodbye to Toto, get into his car and look at his phone, in hopes of at least one of the texts being from Willow.

As he finally closed he car door to be on his own again, he let out a loud breath. He was drained from the long meeting and had a three hour drive ahead of him - there wasn't much that could get him energized right now.

George took out his phone from his pocket and pressed the screen to turn it on. He had to scroll through some messages until finally Willows name popped up.

"I must have forget. I don't really like my birthday so I'm not celebrating much and you for sure don't have to get me anything."

He answered right away: "Well, I'm in London, so if it works out I'd love to at least see you on your big day."

George was so hyped for her to answer so he decided to wait a few minutes before driving away, hoping she would answer in the meantime, which she did.

"I'm going to dinner with some of my girlfriends but you are extremely welcome to join us for drinks after. I believe some other boyfriends are joining us too."

George wrote one last message before driving off: "I'd love too ;)"

To his advantage he had now three hours to think of something to give to her. He knew he could pretty much buy her anything, but to buy something random but expensive would be the complete worst thing to do. He had to think of something special, something with a sentimental value to it.

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