Chapter 22

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„Ok, so you'll be in the garage when I'm out on track and otherwise you can stay in the hospitality. My driver room is also always open to you if you want some privacy."

„George, calm down. I know my way around here. I've been here a few times now. I know it's your last race with Williams but you need to get your head in the game. Why are you so nervous?"

Over the past three month Willow had been to two Grand Prix already and now found herself in the paddock of the Abu Dhabi GP.

„I'm just so excited for the next season already" George said.

„I know, I know, but this season hasn't ended yet and it still matters. Doesn't practice start soon anyway?" Willow looked at her watch „I think you have to leave, honey."

George pressed a hurried kiss to her lips and made his way to the garage.

„Good luck! And be careful!" she shouted after him before she went into the hospitality to get a coffee to drink while she watched FP1.

Willows knowledge of Formula One had become quite good by now, and she really watched with excitement - not only for George but generally wanting to see how the season would play out with the battle between Lewis and Max still not decided.

She got herself a cappuccino from the self service bar by the eating area and then strolled towards the garage too.

The last three month had gone by quite quickly. Whenever George was in London they played tennis together and spent the rest of their time at his place or went on small dates.

With Willow now being in her Masters she had a lot more flexibility with her studies so she was able to join George at the Japan GP and the Brazil GP, where George scored another point, for which she gifted him another coin.

Due to her being at GPs or spending the small amount of free time George had, with him, she missed the family weekends in Brackley quite frequently, so eventually there was no point in not telling her family about him. Over the winter break they would finally meet.

George did well in both practices and was well prepared for Qualifying to next day.


Willow was sat in the hospitality, watching the Qualifying on one of the TVs there. When the results were final. She actually jumped up from her seat from how happy she was for him. She had to get down to the garage immediately to hug him.

As they finally got into the taxi a few hours later to head to the hotel, George put his hand on her thigh, indicating he was about to tell her something important and needed her attention.

„So..." he started.

„So... what?" Willow asked as he didn't continued.

„You know we haven't been the most secretive in the paddock and stuff and, like, obviously people have noticed. So Jane, my media assistant, suggested we could make it official on Instagram. Just by like posting a photo. If you're ok with that." he made a short pause „I'm sorry that this is so like planned and unnatural but also with me coming to Mercedes just gets me a lot more media attention and it's always better to confirm or deny things yourself so the rumors don't even start."

„It's alright, George. I'm fine with everything. I just care about being with you and if that includes things like that, then so be it."

She put her hand on his to show she meant it and they stayed like this for the rest of the ride.

Back at the hotel they got ready to have dinner together with Lando and Alex, who Willow had met already and got along with extremely well.
They were both two fun blokes that could also be really great gentlemen.

Together they went to the restaurant that belonged to the hotel so they could back to bed as fast as possible, since the next day was the last big day of this season and it would possibly be the most important one.

As desert was served Willow asked Lando to take a picture of George and her who were sitting next to each other on the bench.

Lando took about a Million and there were a few really good ones included.
George look through them and decided on one where they were both laughing with Willows head was leaned agains his shoulder while his arm was wrapped around her shoulders.

„Is this one alright?" he asked Willow.

„Oh I love that one." she answered and gave him an approving look.

Instead of preparing his post, George moved his mouth to her ear and whispered something,  „and I love you".

Willow turned her head towards him in shock. They hadn't said that to each other before. She looked at him for a second who had a big grin on his face. Willow moved in for a kiss and then whispered into his ear the same.
Gladly Lando and Alex were way too occupied with the chocolate lava cake on their plates in front of them.

While Willow started eating her cake now too, George finalized his post.

In the caption he wrote: celebrating another Q3 appearance in great company ;)

In the photo he tagged Willow as well as Lando and Alex.

Willow took out her phone to like the picture. For a moment she debated if she should repost the picture but she felt like it would come across like she was trying to rub it into peoples faces that he was famous and that was absolutely not what she was about, so she just liked it and commented a few red hearts.

She'd still have to get a little more used to this lifestyle before she could identify herself even the slightest with it.

The reactions to the picture were overwhelmingly positive and the few negative and jealous comments got lost under the ones saying how cute they looked or wishing them well.

Willow went to bed with a good feeling in her stomach and was excited to see what was going to happen tomorrow.

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