He got up and so did I. We slowly walked around in a circle. He ran at me and punched me down to the ground, Adam growled but Mitch held him back. I hissed and jumped at Brice. Him being stronger he easily stopped me and through me to the ground. I yipped as the pain stead from my shoulder to my lower back and I felt sick.

I shakily stood up, a little bit of blood coming from of on my mouth, dripping onto my white shirt. With each drop of blood, my shirt becomes more red. Adam growled and thrashed around and Jerome helped Mitch hold Adam back. I glanced at him and his left eye was red. If Brice even goes near Adam, Adam would rip Brice's throat out "Adam stop! This is Ty's battle!" Mitch yelled. He's right. This is my battle. And I need to protect my friends and my boyfriend. I'm done being weak. I need to stand up for myself and the people I care about.

I looked back at Brice would was running at me. He punched me in the stomach and I coughed up blood. Adam's growls only grew louder and louder every time I would get hurt. He started to push Mitch and Jerome to the point where their feet were slipping. I glanced at Seto who just stood there, frozen.

I looked at Brice who still looked ready to fight. I was breathing heavily and Brice didn't even look tired "BRICE!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!?! THIS ISNT GOING TO SOLVE ANYTHING!!" I screamed at him. He hissed and ran at me, he grabbed my neck and lifted me off the ground, i thrashed around in his grip. "If it doesn't do anything then why are you fighting?" He had a evil smirk on his face and he's right eye was dark purple and his left eye was flickering from blue to dark purple and back. Dammit! He's losing control like Adam is!

He gripped onto my neck harder and I screamed in pain. Adam's head straighten up and a look of worry mixed with shock crossed him face, it quickly changed to anger and hate. He's eyes turned completely blood red and he broke out out Mitch and Jerome grip. He ripped Brice of me and pushed him down. Putting his shoe on Brice's neck, pushing down.

Brice hissed and thrashed around under him. He tried speaking put Adam pressed his shoe down harder causing Brice to hiss and shut up "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He said and then gave a twisted laugh, he grabbed Brice's neck and lifted him up, I was surprised that Adam was stronger "you hurt my mate...now I'm going to hurt you." His voice was a little higher but had a voice crack that sounded normal.

He threw Brice on the ground and I heard a sickly crack. I looked at Brice and saw his arm facing the wrong way. Adam slowly walked towards him while Brice was still in extreme pain on the ground. I used the last amount of energy I had left and stood up and ran between Brice and Adam.

"Adam stop. Don't you think Brice has had enough?" I put my hand out trying to protect Brice "but he hurt you, so I have to make him feel the same way, I must protect you." He's voice didn't sound like him at all "please Adam, please go back to the way you were before." He laughed again "I can't do that without repaying Brice for what he's done." "Just look at him, he's got a broken arm, don't you think that's enough!" I yelled, tears poking out and streaming down my face.

He's eyes turned to the normal color red and he knelt down in front of me. He reached he's hand out to my face and I flinched when he touched it. "Look at YOU, your face is all bruised up, your shirt is soaked with blood and you look light headed and your about ready to past out. Are you not in a huge amount of pain. Brice deserves it for hurting you." Adam said in his normal voice, he said it so sweet and caring like what he just did never happened.

"Yes I am hurting but causing hurt to others won't solve anything. Instead of one people being hurt there are now two people hurt. Adam please, this isn't you." I reached my hand up and touched his cheek, bringing him closer to me. I locked my lips with his and he kissed back.

We pulled back and his eyes changed back to his normal hazel. I smiled but it quickly faded when Adam's eyes closed and he fell, his head on my lap. "Ty, is Adam ok?" Mitch asked "Ya. What about Brice?" I asked running my fingers through Adam's hair. "Ya. Seto is helping him. Jerome is helping carry him upstairs, do you want me to help you carry Adam into your room?" He asked and I nodded.

He put Adam's arm over his shoulder and I put the other of mine. He carried him up the stairs and into mine and him room. We laid him down on our bed "ok. I can take it from here. Thanks Mitch." He nodded "it's you need anything. Just call." I nodded this time and he walked out, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and leaned down, kissing Adam's head. I took off his shirt and flipped him on his side. His bruise still their from this morning. I walked into our bathroom and grabbed a first aid kid. I put some clear cream on Adam's back, all along the bruise. I then gauzed it up. I grabbed a wash cloth and wet it with cold water. I squeezed some water out but made sure to keep some on.

I walked back over to Adam and laid his head oh my lap, putting the wash cloth on his forehead. I ran my fingers through his hair. I felt so weak, tired, exhausted, light headed. I felt like I was gonna pass out at any moment but I knew I had to watch over Adam.

~Adam's POV~

I groaned and opened my eyes. "Hey, you're awake." I hear Ty saw. I look down and see my chest and back gauzed up and I feel something wet on my forehead. I reach up and grabbed it. It was a wash cloth that was wetted. I looked at Ty who was smiling at me "what time is it?" I asked looking outside "about 3:41." Ty said. I looked back at him eyes wide, he had black lines under his eyes "have you slept at all? I remember you were light headed and ready to pass out." I said. He shock his head "I felt like it but I knew I had to watch over you." He smiled sweetly and then yawned.

I leaned up and kissed his lips "baby, it's ok, you should sleep now, I'm fine." I said. And leaned up and laid my head on my pillow. Ty cuddled into my chest and I kissed him head "good night, I love you." I said "night, love you too." He yawned and instantly fell asleep.

I yawned too and closed my eyes. Me taking a couple minutes to fall asleep.

~time skip~(next morning)

I woke up and Ty was still in a deep sleep, on my chest. I kissed his head and pulled him closed to me. He groaned and lazily opened his eyes "hey Adam *yawn* good morning." He said cutely "good morning Ty, how did you sleep?" I asked "I slept fine, thanks to you." He giggled "how did I help you sleep?" I asked "your steady heart beat is so calming to listen to and your arms are so warm." I smiled and kissed his forehead "I love you Ty, I'm sorry for putting you through everything I put you through yesterday." I said sadly "it's ok, you were just trying to protect me. I love you too." He leaned up and kissed my cheek. I smiled and he smiled back.

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