My Life

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Paris POV
"STOP IT, PLEASE! I yelled. Wait before I continue let me tell u bout myself. I'm Paris Smith 13 years old, and I live with my abusive,shitty ass father, and a crack head mother. The only person who I truly love in this hell hole is my brother Ray. Right now I'm getting punched by my father while my mom covers high on weed.
" SHUT THE HELL UP YOU UGLY ASS BITCH" POP! He slapped me dead across the face. I sat there holding my cheek, while I hear Ray push my father out of my way. He picked me up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door while siting on the floor.
" Shhhhh, shhhhh its gonna be ok."
I cried into his chest while he held me, staying in that position all night.

Next day 6:45am Rays POV
I woke up to the smell of smoke, I looked down at Paris seeing that she was still sleep. I shook her lightly,She started opening her eyes looking at me with a mixture of fear and confusion. I shook my head no telling her she wouldn't get hurt.I got up and told Paris to stay here she nodded and sat back down. I walked out of the bathroom and ran down to the room we share, shut the door and locked it. I grabbed our backpacks and put some clothes in there for us to where for school. Unlocking the bedroom door locking around to make sure none of my dads dumb thirty ass friends were around. Sprinting back to the bathroom I opened shut and locked the door.
" Paris I got our clothes and our phones should be in the bags so we better hurry up."
"Ok I'm gonna wash up first."
"K just hurry up we only got 45 min till the bus come"
Skipping to when there at school (Paris POV)
Me and Ray were walking to our group of friends Roc, Prod, Prince, Juan, Kathyrn, Julia, and Victoria.
"Hey guys" I said
"What's that bruise on your cheek Par" Juan asked. I looked at Ray not knowing what to say.
"Umm I umm fell don the stairs." I said. they all gave me a "mmmm sure" look and walked to first period. I looked at Ray, that's was close.

_ Ok guys that's the first chapter to Never Knew I Needed I hope you guys enjoyed it. This is my very first story ever so tell me what you think and if your a hater who is just an rude U wanna know what u can do U can kiss my ass but anyway I hope you liked it and like comment who should Paris's crush be and what should the parents name be well that's all luv u 👄❤️💜💓💕💖

Never New I Needed ( A Love and Abuse Story)Where stories live. Discover now