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Key Notes:
y/n - your name
e/c - eye color

🧍‍♀️Your POV🧍‍♀️

I watch as Hawkmoth paces back and forth, mumbling.

I groan, "can you shut the fuck up? I'm tired! I need my daily nap or else I'm going to be cranky!"

"I am trying to get my family back! So maybe you should ShuT ThE FuCk uP!"

"You're such a dumbass," I start to laugh, "first you expose your identity to me, now you shared your reason to why you're doing all this! Ohhh this is priceless!"


"You are such a drama queen. Also, I heard you akumintized a poor baby once, over a stupid lollipop. Oh, and someone told me you akumintized an innocent child when he was having a nightmare," I shake my head. "Tsk tsk tsk. You choose the worst people to akumintize HA!"

"I will admit, the baby was stupid. But sandboy was decent!"

"Eh, you could've done better."

"I hate you! You were always so bitchy to me and my son!"

"Yeah but then I kinda got along with Adrien. I could've warmed up to you but...I see you're nuts."

"I am not NUTS!"

"Do you need me to call a therapist for you or-?"


I roll my eyes, "alrightttt, if you say sooo."

My gaze shifts over to the side door, I see a figure peering at me. Their shadow sneaks inside the warehouse. It's probably Adrien!

I watch the figure go all the way around, I lost sight of them when they hid behind some hay behind me.

I clear my throat, "wow you couldn't even lock the side door..."

Hawkmoth groans in frustration and walks over to the door. I smile slyly and I feel a pair of hands starting to untie me.

I whisper to Adrien, "and best stepbrother award goes toooo... you!"

My hands are free now and I turn around to see him. I gasp slightly as he puts his hand on my mouth and drags me behind the hay. he uncovers my mouth and smiles.

"I would be bummed if I was your stepbrother."

Smiling at me was Luka. Not Adrien.

I grab Luka's shirt and pull him into a hug. As I embrace him, I feel his hands hold me back. His head rested on top of mine as my head lays on his chest. I close my eyes and let myself enjoy this moment.

Then the silence was interrupted by a low voice.


I pull away from Luka in panic, "shit."

He grabs my hand, "it's ok, I texted Adrien. He's going to come to create a diversion."

🥐 Adrien's POV 🥐


Plagg pops out, "woah, calm down, you're sweating on my camembert cheese!"

Nova shakes her head, "is that all you care about?! Your CHEESE!"

"Uh no, I also care about swiss cheese! Oh and blue cheese! OH OH and stinky cheese!" Plagg starts to drool.

"Ew ew ew! Even Azar is more charming than you."

Bam Went My Heart // Luka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now