Plan B

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Key Notes:
y/n - your name

🪳 Gabriel's POV 🪳

"Nathalie, it's time to try plan B."

"Yessir. But don't you think you should give her more time? She just lost her mother. She just found out this morning..."

"I don't care. I didn't care about her mother, so what makes you think I'd care about Y/n and her feelings?"

"I just thought...uh..."

"I only care about my wife."

"And Adrien..."


She frowns more, "I'll start plan B."

"Good," I walk away.

🧍‍♀️Your POV🧍‍♀️

I groan and face plant into my pillow again. My gawd. Adrien really can't listen. I didn't want to see anyone and I didn't want to be friends with his friends! I don't need friends. I have my dad. And-


Not my mom...

I start to feel hot tears roll off my cheeks. I didn't think my mom's death would be so detrimental. This feels different than how I felt when I couldn't see my dad. At least I knew for the most part he was alive and thinking of me. But my mom is gone. Just gone. And I don't know if she went to heaven or just disappeared off the face of the Earth.

I sit up and wipe my face with my sleeve. Then I walk over to my closet. I switch the sweater I have on with my favorite sweater. As I drag my feet back to bed, I hear muffled noises at my door.

They must still be out there.

I stare at the door. Do I really need support? I've never had support like that... would that make me weak or strong?

I have an urge to just open the door and start cursing at them to leave. But I'm too tired. I have no energy to move that far now. I only have enough energy to just sit in bed and stare at the door.

I can't cry anymore right now. I ran out of tears to cry. My eyes sting, they want to cry but nothing comes. I just want to sleep...

🥐 Adrien's POV 🥐

"Guys...maybe just try at school tomorrow..."

"If she goes to school..." Juleka mumbles.

"She will go. I'll make sure of it."

I see Marinette smiling at me, "that's so fried of new." She makes a face and slaps her forehead, "I mean, "thanks so king to you," she shakes her head and groans in frustration.

Alya puts her hand on Marinette's shoulder and laughs, "I think she means, 'that's so kind of you.'"

I give Marinette a warm smile, "thank you for the compliment!"

"No probability...PROBLEM!"

I chuckle and then send everyone back home.

After I close the front door, I knock on Father's office door, "Father? Nathalie?"

After 3 minutes of waiting, the door opens. Nathalie stares at me for a second before saying anything, "Adrien? Can I help you?"

"Uh...I was wondering where father was."

She hesitates, "don't you have Chinese lessons right now?"

I sigh, "if you see him, tell him I want to talk to him."

Bam Went My Heart // Luka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now