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You have chosen the techno route are you sure?


Your curiosity got the better of you so you decide you must know what techno wants to show you. And the quality time is important. He won't be here forever. You explained the situation with dream and Although he looked hurt by this news he was understanding and we went.

We ended up back at Harry Potter land right infront of the castle for a moment it was still and it felt like everyone was waiting for something.

Out of no where a big flash of light fell on the castle. A wave of memory hit you. Almost like you had forgotten it altogether.


It was another late evening. You and techno where in a call as per usual. You where talking about books that you had read wenn you where young. He mentioned a verification of buck's until one stude out. Harry Potter.

"I loved those books they helped me through many tough times."

"I understand that. You know in Harry Potter land. There's a light show on the castle."


"Haha yeah?"

"That's so cool!!! I've always wanted to go there!!"

"Well I'll make sure we watch it together sometime."

"That would be magical."

End of flashback:

The fact you had forgotten it. It had blended into casual conversation .it was put to the back of your memories.
But wenn the memory hit your heart began to melt. You looked at the light show ahead you where mesmerized. Your eyes where almost glittering and your whole body was filled with delight.

You looked up at the man to realize he was staring at you.

After you both made eye contact he grabbed your hand and started to walk to the back of the crowd.


"Haha hi"

"Why did we go to the back?"

"Because.. I-"

A mix of confusion and interest peeked.

"If you where trying to tell someone that you loved them how would you do it?"

You paused wondering if you where reading the situation correctly.

"I- i-"



"Do you know what I'm trying to say?"


"I'm trying to say that I love you."

"I- really?"

He chucked and grabbed your waste softly. In response you put your hands on his shoulders.

He then leaned down and kissed you. His kiss was soft and carefully. It wasn't sexual in any way it was just light and loving. The love that was in this kiss was real. He looked relieved. As if he had won your affection. It felt like one of those chezzy romance novels and more. It was almost perfect. But it didn't last.

"Oh.. good to know"

His voice was laiced with anger and sadness.

"I'll leave you guys to it."

He was gone as suddenly as he came. Disapiring into the crowd of happy people. You ran in search of your friend. After searching for what felt like an iternity you saw the tall figure walking away.

You ran toads him trying to yell but for some reason you couldn't. Your body was frozen in place.

Eventually as you saw the man get further and further away you Brock. Tears where striming down you face. The thought of loosing the most important person in your life was heartrenching. As you cried and cried you realize he had stopped. You where still in hestaricks. You felt like a child who had lost there parent in a foren place. You felt lost.

As you vision got blurry and your eyes shut you felt a presence in front of you.

"Wait hear I'll get techno you'll be fine."

"No wait!!! Please!!"

"Why should I? You clearly don't need me anymore."

"What do you mean!! I'll always need you!"

" y/n I can't fill the hole in your heart forever. I can't fill the hole that your dad left."

These words hurt. They burned.

"Did I do everything right? Wasn't I good enough? I did everything you ever wanted. And I still wasn't enough."

"I'm sorry it wasn't supposed to happen like this."

"How else could it have ended? There was only one outcome."

"No there could have been another way"

"This isn't some novel. There is no happy end. You know how it would end. One of use where going to get hurt either way."


"Ist okay y/n. I just need space for a while."

"Can we still be friends?"

"I don't think so.."

"Du you hate me?"

"No. I love you. And that's the problem"

He then disappeared again shortly after techno came to confurt you. Dream had told him to take an Uber home.

Although it felt as if you had lost everything. Having techno there would definitely help ease the pain.

I wonder what would have happened if I went with dream instead.

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