♡magic pt.1♡

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Okay the picture I know it's a monstrosity but that is because I didn't make it. My friend made it as a joke because we where bored so.. sorry about that.. there will be a better one after next chapter

You had woken up in technos arm's as you had predicted the night before. You had decided to get up since you didn't want to wake techno. Little did your friends know they had plans with you today. It was still very early. But you needed to get ready to go.

You went down stairs to see dream mom sitting at the table drinking tea. "good morning." You said as you walk down to the table. " how are you sweetie." I smiled at her and took a seat. "Im good. I was wondering if I could make breakfast since the boys and me have a long day ahead. " she smiled and agreed. We had a short conversation before I went to make the pancakes.

I started to make the batter. Dreams mom then got up and said she'd be off. I waved goodbye and she left. A couple minutes later I heard dream complaining from his room. Concerned I went to go check on him. What I saw was dream being hit with a shoe by his mom. " I SWEAR TO GO IF YOU DONT GO KEEP HER COMPANY ILL GET THE ODER BOY!" I couldn't help but laugh at dream getting beat up by his mom. She turned to me and smiled "Can you go wake up the oder nice boy. My son is refusing to get up.He will at least keep you company."

She had this sadistic smile on her face. Then I heard footsteps from behind me and a hand on my head. "Morning" His voice was all soft and sleepy.

"Oh no did my lazy stupid unemployed son wake you? Im so sorry." Techno started laughing uncontrollable. "Y/n come here for a sec." Dream said. I unknowingly went to him. In one quick movement he had picked me up and got up which shocked me. "Everyone stop abusing me or she gets it!" He said. "SO WHAT IM A HOSTIGE NOW!?" He looked at me and smiled "yes that's exactly what you are." He said looking directly at me. "I hate you." He just replied with love ya too.

I didn't like being a HOSTIGE but I couldn't really do much. "what are you going to do if i don't leave you alone?" Techno asked. With was a valid question "i- ill- ILL THROW HER AT YOU!" "YOU WILL WHAT NOW" Techno was laughing I was panicking and dream was trying to stay Serious. "Fine throw her. You'll regret it after." Dream seamed hesitant but true to his word he throw me at Techno. He managed to catch me and not ganna lie I felt like a ball that can just be thrown around. I was still in shock. Techno then looked at me then looked at dream and then back to me.

And like the flash he started to run full speed to the downstairs bathroom with me still in his arms.

Dream running behind us. We then got to the bathroom and locked the door behind us. We bursted out laughing. We heard dream laughing from the side. He said we should be ready wenn we come out. And that he wouldn't leave till we come out. Techno put me down and told me the plan in my ear. We then slowly opened the door

I jumped on dream and he managed to catch me so I don't hurt myself. I went on the attack and started to bite him. Why..idk.. :)

In the meantime techno was watching and taking photos. After a minute of my very painful and very real combat skills dreams mom called us. "Foods ready!" I had constantly forgotten about the pancakes I'd made. So I guess she just fried them.

We all sat down at the table and waited for a delicious pancake. One by one we all got a pancake on our plates. Dream then looked at me with a disappointment look. "So we are just going to ignore the fact that you cheated on me?" He said. I almost chocked. "How???" He looked at me even more intense.

"Don't play dumb I KNOW YOU SLEEPT WITH TECHNO INSTEAD OF WITH ME!" He yelled. "Jealous muchh" Techno said weil munching on his pancakes. "YOU STAY OUT OF THE YOU PIG! that was our thing!! YOU SLEEPT WITH ANOTHER MAN IN MY OWN HOUSE!" Techno chocked. "You know how wrong that sounds right?" I laughed. This whole situation was hilarious. "Snuggling with another man. And here I thought we where exclusive cuddle buddy's" He looked genuinely irritated. "Hey you snuggled with your ex girlfriend when yall where together. So you cheated first" He looked shocked.

"You had a boyfriend to so don't gimme no crape."

Damn he's good. But im better. "I'm sorry your right it doesn't count since you where pretending it was me the whole time." His look was getting more competitive by the second. This was all of course not to be taken seriously. But it was still fun to bicker.

"Don't act like you didn't do the same. No one gives better cuddles then me." He said confidentiality. "Techno does." At this point Techno was laughing uncontrollable.

We ended the conversation there. No one was actually upset it was just fun and games. Right?  


It wasn't all fun and games

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