♡friend to friend♡

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Today was the day. You had gotten ready to pick up your friend from the airport. You where so excited you where almost shivering. You looked at the time to see it was almost time to head to the airport. You checked your outfit and hair. You wanted to look good. You had a ponytail a black skirt and your new Karl huddie. You even painted your nails. Your need to impress was high. You got in the Uber and made your way to the airport. As you sat in the back seat you remembered what happened with dream..

you completely forgot to tell him about your visitor. Ehh whatever it will be a surprise. " where here.. do you need me to wait?" Oh right Uber man was talking to you. "No no it's okay sir. Thanks for the rid!!" He waved bye and you got out the car. You started to shiver. You where so nervous.. like stupidly nervous. " PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER GOD DAMIT!" you yelled.

You thought you said that in your head..ops..you made your way to the meeting spot McDonald's. Wenn you made it there was no one there so you waited. After a few minutes you saw a tall skinny looking man with a backpack and suitcase. He put his hand up almost like he was telling me to wait. Confused you waited. He put down his bag and moved to the sid as if he didn't want his bag to get damaged. He then opened his arms wide.

As fast as you could you ran over. You then jumped into the man's arms tackling him to the ground. " hey there princess.. I guess your happy to see me." He said in a laughing tone. " OF COURSE I AM DOMBASS!! AHHH" we huged on the floor for a minute until we got up. "You hungry???" He nodded " after a 10 hour flight yes I'd like food." He turned to the McDonald's "oww McDonald's."

I looked at him with a sturn look. "You want to eat McDonald's wenn you can just come to my work and get free food there??" He looked at me shocked. " you have a job?!?" And just like that we made our way to my apartment so I could get ready. "Wait here I need to get changed!" He looked me up and down " isn't that good enough or do you have a uniform??" My face went red thinking about it.

"sorta...JUST WAIT!" He laughed and I went to get changed. I put on the new dress I ordered it's light pink with butterflys on the sleeves and skirt. It's a bit childish but I didvn't care. I keept my hair in a ponytail but added some butterfly clips to match!. I walked out almost strutting because of how confident I was.

Well I was confident till I saw techno. He was on his phone till he looked up. His face went red and I blushed. We both just kinda stude there. "Uhh...you look cute..can I ask why you need to wear that to work?"
I looked to the side. "well I work at a dress Cafe.. soo it's mandatory" his face said he understood. We then made our way out and ready to go to my job. We got in the Uber wenn I realized I forgot my sweaterehh whatever

"I don't need to work too long since it's Monday so if you want we can go to dreams..unless you want to rest of course." He nodded and said he's down. We got out of the Uber and I went in. I saw my co worker crista as soon as I come in. " hä you have another boyfriend?? Wow you get busy." I laughed "He's not my boyfriend." As we where opening shop we kept talking "Oh okay so what about the oder tall hot guy??" I was gonna answer till "tall hot guy huh?? I'd like to hear about this guy.. is he competition??" He joked. "I don't know..is he y/n??" They where just teasing me at this point. " clay and I are not together..WITCH YOU SHOULD KNOW TECHNO!!"

He laughed "OH TALL HOT GUY IS DREAM!! OKAY THEN NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!" He was laughing so hard "why are you so sure." I was standing in front of him "because..I just am." Oh okay we playing these games huh. "I don't know. He's pretty good looking.." it was my turn to tease. " whatever you say..but I know you like me more.." He was confident as usual. "Don't be so sure lover boy." I then turned away from him and wanted to leave wenn I felt a hand pull me close and put a hand on my waist. He then neled down to my face. I was confused as fuck and my face was really red. He then lightly blow on my face. "Gotcha" He then went to sit down. I prosided to open the shop and slowly customers started walking in. There where way more people then we thought. Crista and I where pretty overwhelmed.

I was struggling to get everything done in time. Techno then came up to me and asked if I needed help. "No no it's okay you sit down! My shift is over soon! He was going to sit until he saw me almost fall with six hot coffees. He grabbed a tray and put three of the coffees on it. "Who are these for?" His expression told me that there is no room to argue. "Table 5, each table is labeled." He nodded and he brought it over to the table of gentleman at table 5. After the rush of people where gone he sat down.  I went over to him like he's any oder custemer. "Hello sir have you decided what you would like?" He looked at the card. " hmm..I'll take the egg sandwich with fries.

" His smile was so sweet and genuine. " perfect I'll get that for you right away." I went to the kitchen to make the desired sandwich. I made it with lots of love.. I cut the tomatoes to look like little hearts. I came with the sandwich and he looked so happy to get some food. He commented on the hearts with the cutest smile. He then ate and we talked. It felt really nice having him around. We where leaving and getting ready to got to dreams and surprise him.

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