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This story contains cursing and cringe and spelling mistakes read at your own risk ;)

As I got dressed in the bathroom I thought about how it was going to be cold. Ehh ill just steal something from dream. I had on a black dress that had a puffy skirt. I never liked how the too looked. It had no sleeves and it goes pretty low. So I usually put a huddie or something over top. The last touch where the thigh highs. I felt pretty cute. I heard my hair tie shaped with hurt but okay open hair it is. I brushed out my hair with dreams hair brush. Haha know he has h/c hair in his brush! As I stepped out i saw a face I haven't seen in a long time. "DRISTA" "Y/N!!" he quickly gave each oder a big hug! "I haven't seen you in ages!!" J was so excited to see her she had grown so much. "Huh you look so cute! Wait a sec-" I was very confused but I went with it. She ran upstairs to dreams room and then back down with dream following behind. She then pulled my head down yelling at dream to stay upstairs for another second. She then put a chocker on me and another long crows necklace. "Thay match perfectly don't you think!" I hummed in response with a smile on my face. "Can I come down yet!" It made me laugh hearing dream yell down the stairs. "Yeah!"

Dream pov

My sister was being a pain as peer usually. She then walked past me and pulled me down to her level and whisper.. " if you don't make a move tonight I will kill you and date her myself we clear?" I just nervously laughed and said okay. Im honestly scared of her.

{{♡Back to y/n♡}}

"You good dream!?" I was teasing him as his sister intimated him. I don't know what she said but I know it was scary. Wenn she let go dream just stood there. He couldn't make eye contact as he looked at me. "Hey can I wear one of your huddies or something? I don't like showing so much skin." He then took his huddie off and threw it at me. "There.." he then went back to his room to get a different huddie. I then slept it in. It made me blush since it was warm and it smells like him. It was really snuggly. "Does it fit properly!" I heard him yell from his room. "Its perfect thanks!" He then came out with a different huddie. His mom then called us to the car. We all got in and the car and I was sitting in the back with dream. We finally made it to the restaurant and we went to our table. "Wow this place is pretty!" The interior was clean and elegant but it had a home like feel to it. I was sandwiched between dream and his mom. Drista was sitting across from us. His mom then got up and sat next to drista with the words "heheh" they where more words then sounds since she spoke them. Then a waiter came and gave us menu's. "What do you plan on getting?" Dream asked. "Hmm probably the pasta mix! Its 3 different nuddels mixed with tomato sauce! all backed over with cheese!" The waiter giggled and said okay. Everyone ordered and we waited. Dream seamed a bit grumpy but then again he's always a little grumpy. My hair was all over my face.this is why I wear my hair in a ponytail! I did my best to keep my hair out of my face. But I just couldn't keep it away. I looked over to dream to see what he was doing. He was looking at the waiter who was talking to another waiter. He then noticed me looking and smiled and went back to the conversation. Dream then looked at me and then back to the waiter and the down at the table with a grumpy face. "Nope we are not doing this! This is not some cheesy romance novel where the conflict is that there is a nice waiter that happens to be a guy. No! Know stop being grumpy!" He just looked at me with shock as his mom and drista where laughing at my comment. "Are you okay know mister dreamy" I said in a sarcastic manner. "Ohh so I'm dreamy? " damn that was smoth. He had a big smirk on his face. " yes you are very dreamy" I said with a smirk as I then looked over to his mom and started conversations there. All I could see was a flustered dream as he just sat there. A while later our food arrived. "It looks so good! I haven't had a proper meal like this in ages!" You said not probably thinking about the reality of your words. Everyone just kinda looked at you and then started to eat. Dream looked slightly concerned. You decided to eat not trying to pull to much attention to yourself. Soon everyone seemingly forget about your comment. Yourself included. You had been struggling with your hair to much. It was so thick constantly getting in the way.

Dream: "Why did you open your hair? You know your a messy eater."

Y/n: "Im not a messy eater! my hair is just in the way!"

Dream: "still not answering why you left your hair open?"

Y/n: "my hair tie shaped and I didn't have another one."

He signed and asked me to turn around so the back of my head was facing him. Curious i turned. He then pulled my hair together and softly braided it together. "There that should keep it out of your face." He said with a slight smirk on his face. "You gotta give the hair tie back though!" A faint memory crossed your mind...

{{♡Flash back ♡}}

You and dream where laying on his bed as he started to play with your hair. "You have such thick hair. Doesn't it get annoying after a while..." you leand on dreams chest giving him better access. "I mean yeah.. thats why I always have it pulled out of my face." He stayed silent as he started to make make little braids in your hair. " but what if you one day don't have your hair up. Wouldn't get annoying. Like What do you do then wenn you don't have a hair tie?" He seemed very concentrated on your hair as he pulled his thingers through. "Thats what I have you for. Here" you handed him the spair hair tie you had around your wrist. "Know if I ever need a hair tie I got you to help me! "His cheeks turnd a soft pink as he put the band around his wrist. "I'll make sure to keep it forever."

A/n "Im probably gonna make a chapter just about some things that happend in the past so uhh yeah"

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