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"You ready to go!" I asked in my usual cheerful tone. "I mean yeah!" And like that we called an Uber and make our way there. Techno seems really tired. Understandable so. A 10 hour flight is probably really exhausting. But yet again this is the man who stayed up until God knows wenn farming potatoes to beat me and others. I looked out the window wondering what his thinking about. Is he thinking about what I'm thinking about. But I'm thinking about what he's thinking about. So it's a peradocs. Cool. Maybe I should ask? I mean. Why not

"Whatcha thinking about??" I asked curious about what he'd say abd if he was almost thinking about the paradox.

"Nothing really. Just about this mini parado- never mind." My eyes immediately started basically sparkle because that means he was thinking about the paradox I was thinking about with means he was thinking about what I'm thinking about with meanss hea thinking of me. "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face Orr??" He looked totally confused. Understandable so. I mean. I an just kinda staring at him.

"Nope. Its nothing" I then looked out the window. I know myself my cheeks where pink. But there aloud to be.

We finally made it to dreams. I walked to the door while techno hide to the
side of the door. I rang the door bell and nocked twice on the door. Dream answered. He looked surprised to see me. "What are you doing here kitty?" I heard a murmur from techno next to me. Dream couldn't see him since he's out of view. I quickly laughed so he couldn't hear him in the back.

He looked suspicious of us. So I got to the point. "Soo I uuh-" I then pulled techno to my side "HÄ" he yelled. "SURPRISE!!! TECNOS HERE!!" He looked shocked. He first did a quick lookup and down and then went In for the hug. they where smiling like idiots hugging each other. "come In!" He says. as I walk In I see boxes everywhere. I was curious. "Whats with the boxes?" Dream looked at me confused. "Didn't I tell you? Im moving out soon. Me and sapnap are looking for an apartment together." My eyes widened. "Oh.. cool.. wenn are you moving..?" He looked confused why im asking. "Hmm probably in about a month or so. I was actually ganna talk about that with you. Come on let's sit."

We all went and sat together on the couch. It seems like techno is getting more tiered by the minute. "If you want you can sleep a bit?" He looked at me half asleep. "No no its okay.. I don't want to make problems." I accepted it and sat down. He sat right next to me. Dream looked at me directly in the eyes. "So I was wondering.. do you maybe wanna move with us. I know it's sudden but.. I already asked sapnap. He doesn't care." I was pretty overwhelmed. This was a lot to take in. "Uhh.. this is a lot.. what about my job.. aand I don't have a lot of money.." he took my hand. "Thats fine! We can cover your rent until you find a new job! And! We can help you with your account so you get more followers on twitch! We can even have a shared gaming  space!" His eyes where glowing. He's good convincing people. "I- I don't know.. I don't want to make problems because of my financial situation.." he looked sad. I think he really wants me move with him. "Where are you guys looking to move..?" His eyes where happy again wenn he saw I was considering. "Around San Francisco! We found a good apartment there! We just need to see it in person!" I realized that techno lives there. Suddenly I feel a weight on my shoulder. Techno had fallen asleep on me.

Dream suggests we stay the night and leave tomorrow. I agreed since I had no problem. "I- about the moving. I think.. its a yes." He had the stupidest grinn on his face. "Okay!! I'll get into contact with sapnap!" He was so happy it made my heart feel warm. I feltmyeyes drift. It had been a long and exciting day.. I asked dream where techno and I can sleep. He said techno can sleep in the guest room and I can sleep on the couch. I agreed, I tapt techno and told him he can sleep in a nice warm bed. He was still half asleep so he agreed. I took his hand and we went to the geast room. He then layed down. He was asleep again. But he still had his jacket and shoes on so I took them off for him. He looked much more comfy. I then went to dreams room  where he was sitting on his bed. I went to his closet and took a shirt and a pair of boxers. He just smiled pointing to the bathroom door in his room. I smiled and went to change. It was big and comfy. I then waved goodbye but he stopped me. "no hug, danmm." I then just kinda jumped on him. Giving him a hug. He laughed not expecting it. He gave me a big hug. "now you can leave." I got up and waved goodbye. I left and walked down the stairs to the couch.

For some reason I just couldn't sleep. It felt so weird and lonely. I sat up to go on my phone. I had scrolled through Twitter for a bit until I heard a door open upstairs. I went to the bottom of the stairs shining my phone at the figure. It was techno. He looked sleepy and frustrated. "I can't sleep.." he looked to the side. "me nether..." he looked at me like he wanted to tell me something. "I uhh.. I wanted to ask if you wanted to sleep in my room." My face was really red like almost too red. "Like- together- in one bed- uhh-" he got all red. "Nothing weird! It's just- I can always sleep wenn we fall asleep on call so-" I got up and walked up to him. and nodded. We then went to the room. It had a pritty big bed inside.

"I take dibs on the right side." He laughed. "Fine." We then layed down. " this is kinda like that only one bed trop in books. Like there's only one bed so have to share." I laughed. "Yeah but we are doing willingly so it's different." He said with a chuck. "I bet where ganna wake up cuddling." I turned to my side to look at him. "Why do you think that?" He also turned to his side. "Because that's what happens in all good books. The main love interests fall asleep together in the same bed. And then In the morning there cuddling." He looks at me with a smirk "so I'm your main love interests?" He teased. "Well technically your the second leading love interests with dream. If we are looking at this from a book stand point." He then looked at me. "Turn around." I did as he asked. He then grabbed me into his arms. "Then I'll make sure to win this love tringel." My heart was racing like crazy. He then laughed in my ear. "Hey you where right. We are cuddling." I then felt myself drift away into sleep land..

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