"Haha very funny. You know I'm better right. I totally could have beat her in night blood training but I couldn't hurt her." He commented. Night blood training?

"What in the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh right. Well night blood is a blood that only few people have. We don't know how but we literally have black blood, we fight and kill, winner is commander. They allowed me to 'step down' because I wouldn't kill her."

"Okay but why is night blood such a big deal? Why can't anyone become commander."

"The flame. It only works for night blood. It carries the minds of past commanders. It goes in the back of your neck and connects to your brain."

"That's not possible- how could a chip- holy shit." I pause. Cam looks at me confused.

"Raven told me about the technology of the past. I got really interested, like to the point where I hacked into the ark system to learn more of Becca's past. I couldn't get very far but all I know is that she had black blood. She created a chip."

"Who the fuck is Becca and why does that matter?" Cam asks.

"She's- you know it doesn't really matter."


We stop and plan our attack a few miles away from Mount Weather. Clarke laid out the plan and Lexa made sure Cameron and I were 'away from trouble'. They placed us at the back of group 4. The most boring job, sit and wait. Lincoln was going to be with us.

We arrived at Mount weather, locked and loaded. I'm going to be honest I had no idea what was going on. They drilled into the giant ass door leading to Mount Weather.

"So what exactly is happening." I whisper to Cameron. He giggles which causes Lexa to snap her head over to Cameron, she looked mad. He immediately stopped.

"I wasn't paying attention. I was hoping you would know." He grinned. I bite my lip to conceal my laugh. Lincoln walks past us and we watch as Miller's dad puts something in the hole that we just drilled.

"That's what she said." I whisper. Cameron whips his hand up to his facing, making a snaking noise to cover his laughter. Lexa doesn't even look this time, but you could tell she was very annoyed. I look over and see the sun starting to set. We had been here for hours by now, waiting.


Waiting for a ticking time bomb to finally blow.

It was dark out now.


"It's taking too long." Clarke faltered.

"It takes as long as it takes." Lexa replies confidently.

"Ya no shit." I mumble under my breath. Cam was the only one who heard me and he laughs a bit. I guess we are just in a silly goofy mood. (Sorry)

We slowly back away from the crowd while Lexa and Clarke are in a conversation. One of Lexa's guards stop us. The shake their heads and walk us back to Lexa and Clarke. It was worth a shot. We hear gunfire echoing from the trees.

"It's coming from the dam." Lincoln announced as he walked up to us. Everyone looks up at the mountain worried.

"They know we're going for the power." Clarke declared.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now