Chapter Nineteen

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*Phil’s POV (a few hours later)*

           Blue? Or… purple? Or green? Why is this so hard?!  I thought to myself, glaring at the shirts laid out on my bed like this was all their fault. Even though it was just Dan, and I didn’t think he would care, I still wanted to look good. Now, seriously, green, purple, or blue?

           Eventually I settled on a blue flannel shirt with black skinny jeans, and went to the bathroom to fix up my hair and put in my contacts. As soon as I thought I looked somewhat presentable I went out to the living room. Dan was already there, sitting on the couch, looking as gorgeous as ever. I went over and sat down next to him, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

           “What are you watching?” I asked, even though I could clearly see that it was a Supernatural episode.

           “Umm, nothing,” he said, trying to turn off the TV while turning to face me at the same time. We had promised to wait and watch it together, but apparently Dan just couldn’t wait.

           “Not watching ahead without me, I hope,” I said, feigning ignorance.

           “Of course not! I would never,” Dan said sarcastically. He knew that I had already seen.

           “Good,” I said hugging him close to me. “Now, are you ready to go?”

           “Thought you would never ask,”

           “Let’s go then,” we got up and walked into kitchen, grabbing our phones on the way out. Once we got outside I huddled even closer to Dan. I had forgotten to grab a jacket and was now freezing in the surprisingly cold April air. Dan noticed me shivering, and chuckled.

           “Do you want to run back up and grab a jacket or something?” he asked, holding out the key. I nodded, took the key from him, and ran back upstairs. Once I was back outside, we headed off in a random direction, no particular destination in mind. It was sometime around 6:30, so it was still fairly bright out, though the sun was low in the sky. I knew it would be setting soon, and that gave me an idea.

           “Here, Dan, I have an idea. Let’s go this way!” I exclaimed, leading him down a street to our right. He looked confused, but he just went along with it. After about ten minutes of walking down this road, I pulled him around a few more turns. We didn’t talk at all, just enjoying the comfortable silence.

Eventually we ended up at the park where, so many months ago, I had gone to cool off for a bit. I turned to look at Dan for the first time in 5 minutes, and saw that he had gone pale.

“P-Phil? Why are we h-here?” he asked, voice small and shaky. I moved so I was facing him completely, and pulled him into a hug.

“I wanted to show you something, but we can go back if you like?” I said quietly. I didn’t want to upset him, but at the same time I really wanted to show him this.

“What are you showing me?”

“Do you trust me?”

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