Chapter Three

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*Dan’s POV (back in the bathroom)*

After what felt like forever the dry heaving stopped, and I looked up at Phil, my eyes filled with gratitude. I opened my mouth to thank him, but before I got the chance to say a single word he stood up and rushed out the door, his face almost as red as mine. I stared after him in confusion, wondering what just happened. Why the hell was Phil so touchy this morning? If I hadn’t needed to find out about last night, I sure did now.

I got up from my awkward position in front of the toilet and stretched. I decided to get up and confront Phil, I still needed to thank him anyways. As I was stretching I heard the door to Phil’s bedroom slam shut and figured that was where he had run off to. Unless there was another person in the flat. What if somebody crouched out in the darkness of the hall! What if- No. Dan stop. You can’t keep freaking yourself out like this. There is no one out there. Now get up, and go talk to Phil. Or is you a wuss.

I shook my head to clear it of all the panicky thoughts and started creeping towards Phil’s bedroom. As I reached out a hand to open the door, it swung open on its own. I found my eyes looking into Phil’s bright blue ones, which were mere inches away. I jumped back in shock and fell on the floor, being the clumsy idiot I am.

“JESUS CHRIST PHIL! YOU SCAREDTHE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME!” I shouted, clutching the shirt fabric near my heart. Rather embarrassingly I was completely out of breath, and was gasping. I really should go to the gym sometime… Eh, I’ll do it later.

“Sorrysorrysorry! Are you alright Dan?!” Phil asked, still stood in the doorway.“I’m fine, you just scared the crap out of me. You’re like a fucking ninja,” I shoved him playfully and grinned up at him. He smiled back, but there was something more than teasing  in his eyes. Before I could identify this unknown emotion, however, it was gone, leaving nothing but teasing and concern in his eyes. Phil spoke,breaking the eye contact that was on the verge of becoming awkward.

“So, can I ask why you were standing outside my door?” I cleared my throat and looked away.

“I was just going to thank you for caring for me, and ask what the hell happened in the bathroom?” Phil looked down sharply, and his eyes had a ‘deer in headlights’ look in them. He coughed awkwardly and looked away.

“W-what exactly are you referring to?” he asked, cheeks assuming that same bright red that kept reminding me of cherries. My curiosity was immediately piqued and I wondered for what must have been the millionth time what happened last night. Damn alcohol. Why did I think it was a good idea to drink so much last night.

“Ummm, I was referring to you running out for no reason? I was just curious about what happened,” I said, looking straight into his eyes so I could tell if he was lying. He looked away, his face now having more resemblance to a ripe tomato. I still didn’t understand why he was so flustered. I hadn’t even made a sexual innuendo yet today.

“I- I just… Uh… I- I had something to do,” He stuttered out, eyes flicking about nervously. I smirked and decided to toy with him a little bit.

“Oh, and is it to personal to ask what exactly these ‘things you had to’ were?” I smiled innocently up at him, knowing fully well that he would have told me what happened if it wasn’t.

“I- I was just… Yeah, uh, actually it is,” he stared straight at me, eyes filled with defiance. I held up my hands defensively.

“Calm down man, I was just curious,” I said, smirk still playing across my lips. His gaze softened a bit.

“Yeah, whatever. It’s seriously no big deal. Well, you’re welcome for caring for you. I honestly don’t know where you’d be without me,” he too was smirking now. He held out his hand, and pulled me to my feet when I took it.

“Wow Dan, you should really lay off the maltesers,” he grunted, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I looked at him, changing my expression into a look of fake hurt.

“Philip Lester are you calling me fat?” I asked, feigning shock. “You cut me deep man. That really hurts. I think I’m just going to go cry in a corner now.” He laughed, grinning at how stupid I was.

“Do you want to go watch some tv? BBC is playing a Doctor Who marathon.”

“Which season?”


“Oh God, not Donna,” I grimaced. She really was a bitch sometimes. Except when she was Doctor Donna. Then she was pretty awesome.

“Yes Donna, but they were just about to start the episode where she becomes Doctor Donna. We can probably catch the end if you like?” Phil glanced at me, waiting for my answer. In reply I simply grabbed his hand and began dragging him towards the living room.

We sat down on the couch, and I couldn’t help but notice that Phil sat just a bit closer than normal. I just shrugged it off, labeling it as concern, and turned my attention to the tv.

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