Chapter Seventeen

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*Phil’s POV*

       I woke up the next day wrapped up in the arms of Dan. My Dan. He was mine now. I planned to keep it that way. I loved him so much, and if I screwed up what we had now I would probably kill somebody. Maybe myself. For now, he was mine, and I was happy.

       Dan was still sleeping, judging by the steady rise and fall of his chest, so I stayed quiet, not wanting to wake him. In all honesty, I just wanted to stay here forever, in our little cocoon of warmth, and happiness, and contentment. I knew I would have to get up eventually, but until then I had nothing better to do with my time.

       After a few minutes of just laying, I felt Dan stir and heard him yawn. The arm wrapped around me squeezed a bit tighter, pulling me flush against Dan’s chest.

       “G’morning Phil,” Dan murmured sleepily, his breath ghosting past me ear and leaving a trail of warmth wherever it touched.

       “Hello Dan,” I said, maneuvering my body so I was facing him and hugging him close.

       “’S warm. I like it,” Dan mumbled, obviously not fully awake. I hummed in agreement and soaked in all the heat coming off his body. He made no move to get up, and neither did I. We just lay there, hugging each other close, our breaths mingling in the small space between our faces. Normally that was something that bothered me a lot, but for some reason I was enjoying it with Dan. Besides, his breath smelled really nice considering it was morning breath. Like the minty toothpaste he liked to use. I was sure that my breath was awful, but Dan didn’t comment, so I assumed it wasn’t as bad as a thought.

       After about an hour or so of just lying there, I had to get up. Not because I wanted to, but because I desperately needed to pee. Also, my thumb had begun throbbing once more, and I really needed to switch the bandages.

       As soon as I tried to move, Dan pulled me right back down.

       “5 more minutes,” he groaned, trying to get me to lie down next to him again. I gently shoved him away.

       “Two things. 1. We’ve literally been laying here for an hour. 2. I am about to wet myself, so I can stay if you really want, but it’s going to get really uncomfortable soon,” I said, trying to get up once more. This time Dan offered no resistance, just rolled over and mumbled something to himself. I shook my head at how adorable he was, and slipped out from under the covers.

       Pressed up against Dan I had failed to notice two things. The first thing was that I was wearing nothing but boxers. The other thing was the temperature. It must have dropped 5 or more degrees in here overnight. I made my way over to my dresser and pulled out some sweatpants and a t-shirt, which I then slipped on. As soon as I was dressed, I started towards the bathroom, the need to relieve myself even stronger than before.

       After freshening up in the shower, I made my way out to the kitchen to get started with breakfast. After the mishap with the bacon yesterday, I decided to stick with toast and scrambled eggs. I walked over to the cupboard right next to the fridge and pulled out a loaf of bread, then got out our egg carton from the fridge. I slid four pieces of toast in our toaster, and set the time for 5 minutes. After that, I got out four eggs and cracked them into a small bowl before whisking them together with some (fake) milk. Once the pan was properly heated, I poured in the egg mixture, stirring it around with a spatula to keep it from burning. Once the eggs were all fluffy and cooked, I poured them out onto two separate plates. Just as I was setting the pan in the sink, the toaster beeped, signalling that the toast was done. Once I had gotten the toast out and onto our plates, I got out a couple of glasses and filled them with orange juice.

Happy Mistakes? - PhanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon