Chapter Fourteen

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*Dan's POV*

I closed Phil's door silently and made my way out to the kitchen, smiling like a madman. Anyone who happened to walk in and see me would have thought I was insane, but I couldn't care less. Phil was home and out of that stuffy hospital, and I was on top of the world. I still couldn't believe that he was awake. I was afraid that at any moment I would wake up, back in that uncomfortable plastic chair, and find out it was just another dream.It felt so real though. I decided to just enjoy it, whether or not it was real.

Once in the kitchen I walked over to the fridge and yanked open the door. I was hit with an awful smell that was some kind of awful combination of spoiled milk, rotten fruit, and decaying vegetables. I shut the door quickly, trying not to breath through my nose. Damn. I should have thought that through better. Well, apparently I'm going grocery shopping. Maybe I should wait until Phil wakes up... Or come back and surprise him?... I'll just go and leave Phil a note.

After cleaning out the fridge a bit, I tore a piece of paper from the notepad that was sitting on the counter and scribbled a quick note on it, telling Phil where I went and what time I would be back. I crept back to his room and quietly set it on his bedside table.

I grabbed my key and wallet from the counter before heading out. Once I was downstairs I stepped out into the soft glow of the afternoon light and hailed another cab. We really needed to get a car of some kind, because we spent far too much on cab rides. I clambered into the first cab that pulled up.

"Tesco please," I said to the cabbie. He simply nodded in reply before speeding off down the road. I was hit by a sudden wave of exhaustion, so I rested my head on the window and stared vacantly at the people and shops whizzing by. I began to daydream about what it would be like to fly. Unoriginal, sure, but still fun. What would it be like to be able to soar through the sky, wind rushing past, chilling you to the bone, with the sun shining down on you without clouds or pollution blocking its rays? What would it be like to feel so free, so unrestrained? To be able to escape the pull of gravity, something so constant in our lives, if only for a little while. I think it would be amazing.

I felt somebody shaking my shoulder and was abruptly ripped from my fantasies.

"Excuse me? We're here," the cabbie said, frowning at me. I probably looked like an idiot, just staring off into space. I paid the cabbie, blushing madly, and hopped out. I walked over to where the shopping carts were (I don't really know what the British term for these is... If someone tells me I will edit it later) and pulled one out from row.

Once inside I walked around for a bit, grabbing whatever looked good. A few apples, some popcorn, eggs, milk, etc. Once I had gotten everything I needed - and then some - I made my way over to the check out. After paying for the groceries I went back outside in search of another cab. Eventually one pulled over, and I loaded up all of my bag before finally squeezing myself in alongside them.

Once I arrived at our flat I made my way into the kitchen, gasping from the weight of the bags combined with how out of shape I was. I was surprised to find Phil sitting at on the counter, absently sipping at a cup of tea.

"Hey Phil! I hope you haven't been up long, I just went to get some food," I said, plopping the bags down onto the remaining counter space. Phil jumped a bit in shock, causing some of the tea to splash over the front of his jumper.

"Oops... At least it wasn't hot," Phil mumbled, blushing ever so slightly. I chuckled at his clumsiness, and dug through one of the bags.

"Aha! Here you go," I said, handing Phil a roll of paper towels. He thanked me before beginning to awkwardly pat himself dry. I rolled my eyes at how stupid he looked. "Phil, here, let me help," I said, taking the wad of paper towel from him. I began to dab at the stains before realizing how close I was standing. I immediately went bright red and looked down at the floor. "S-sorry," I mumbled, suddenly very interested in the tile pattern on the floor. I cautiously glanced up at Phil's face, only to find that it was an even deeper shade of red than mine.

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