Chapter Five

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(A/N: Don’t read the first few paragraphs if you don’t want Sherlock spoiled a little bit)

*Dan’s POV*

“DAMMIT SHERLOCK! HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE JOHN LIKE THAT!? HE NEEDS YOU, CAN’T YOU SEE?!?!?” I shouted at the television, adding yet another tissue to the ever growing pile near the bottom of the couch. Phil was snuggled into my side, sniffing and wiping his eyes. We had just finished the ordeal that was the season 2 finale, and were both pretty broken up about it.

I glanced at my phone screen, wondering what time it was. My phone screen read 11:45 PM, and I decided that it was time for ‘bed’ - bed meaning another 4 hours spent browsing tumblr and trying to piece my emotions back together.

“Phil, we really should head to bed now. It’s already 11:45 and we obviously had a pretty late night last night,” I whispered. He just shook his head.

“What’s the point. Sherlock is presumably dead. John is obviously heartbroken, straight as he may claim to be. There’s no point Dan,” he whispered back, staring off into space, still sniffing.

“Oh no. No, you are not having an existential crisis on me. That’s my job. Now get up and let’s head to bed, ok?” I got up, grabbed Phil’s hand, and guided him back to his bedroom. He mumbled a quick thanks before staggering over to the bed and collapsing onto it. He immediately passed out, still fully clothed and not even under the covers. I toyed with the idea of waking him, but left him alone. I figured he had earned his rest after his busy day of caring for me, making food, and the rollercoaster of emotions more commonly known as Sherlock.

I gently shut the door behind me and headed out to the kitchen to get some painkillers. My head was pounding once again from all the crying and thinking I had done during Sherlock. I thought about last night, trying to drag up a few more memories, or if I was lucky, the memory. No such luck however, so I decided to go for a more Sherlock approach. I thought about Phil’s denial,and the obvious signs that he was hiding something. Then I contemplated the moments when he got all flustered, and tried to figure out what the all had in common. Call me slow, but about halfway through the episode it clicked. All the times Phil started blushing, or stuttered, or was just generally embarrassed were either right after shows of affection, or when I questioned him. I thought back to the bathroom incident, and tried to look at it from Phil’s perspective. Me, all flushed and out of breath, hair probably a mess, bent over beneath him… OH MY GOD. WAS PHIL… DID PHIL GET TURNED ON BY THAT?! I bet he did. I mean, he acts like a cute, innocent child, but I know that he can be pretty dirty minded. I mean, he is a few years older than me. After all these years, all these times I had gotten drunk and he helped me in a similar fashion, why did this particular instance bring out such a strong reaction? After a few more minutes of contemplating, it gradually dawned on me. Oh shit. I must’ve made a move on Phil last night. God dammit. I wondered what happened… DID WE- OH JESUS I HOPE NOT.

As I climbed into bed I wondered once again what could have happened, and tried to force myself to remember. No such luck however. I decided to try and take my mind off it. Maybe my subconscious would better luck, or maybe I would remember everything. I picked up my laptop and assumed the browsing position, ready for a long night of looking through tumblr, and maybe even indulging in my guilty pleasure - gay fanfiction. There was a good reason behind me deleting my internet history after all.

I opened up my tumblr and got lost in the soft glow of the laptop, and the sound of the music I had started on Spotify playing softly in my ears. Eventually I rubbed my eyes and yawned, looking over at my alarm clock. It read 5:00 AM and my tired eyes widened in shock. I decided that that was enough internet for one night, and put away my laptop.

I turned over on my side and pulled my fluffy, warm, comforter over my head. I found comfort in the familiarity of the soft fabric I was wrapped up in, and vaguely wondered if that was how it got its name before slipping into the dark, mysterious land of sleep.

A/N: Sorry it’s so short, I just decided that Dan falling asleep was a good way to end it. The next chapter should be longer, and will actually have multiple POV’s -loud gasps from the audience I wish I had-


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and goodbye I guess... ^_^ - Hailey

Happy Mistakes? - PhanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora