Chapter Nine Pt 2

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(A/N: Thissaveryshortchapter, sohopefullyChapter 10 willbeupsometimetonight, unlessIgetreallylazy...)

*Phil's POV*

Oh no. Oh no. OH NONONONONONONONO. CRAP. Oh God. I ruined it. I took it too fast, and I bet Dan's never going to talk to me again. I just ruined everything. Goddammit me why did you have to go and ruin everything. I messed it up. I fu-

I was abruptly interrupted by an unexpected feeling. The feeling of lips. Lips pressed against mine. Lips which were attached to a beautiful face with warm brown eyes and adorable brown hair. Dan's lips. Dan. Howell's. Lips. Were kissing me. Me. It was finally happening, not just a dream or a drunken mistake. DAN FUCKING HOWELL WAS KISSING ME BACK. I remembered to return the kiss, and it was wonderful. All the rest of the world just melting away. Nothing else mattered. Just those wonderful lips pressed gently against mine.

He didn't try to deepen the kiss, and neither did I. We simply sat there, content and happy with this. It was amazing really. How something as simple as pressing things as small as your lips against someone else's meant so much. How much love and care was conveyed through one small action.

We eventually broke away, staring into each other's eyes. Dan's cheeks were slightly rosy, whether from embarrassment or just from the kiss in general I couldn't tell. He looked slightly dazed, most likely still overwhelmed by what had just happened. My mind was moving at the speed of light, millions of different thoughts racing around. They all focused on one thing. Dan Howell. The beautiful boy who I had had feelings for since I first laid eyes on him. The boy who I hadn't slowly fallen in love with over our many years of being flat mates. The boy who had broken and repaired my heart more times than I could count. The boy who had finally kissed me at some party, and didn't even remember it the next morning. The wonderful, kind, amazing boy sitting in front of me, eyes filled with happiness, cheeks still slightly pink, brown hair messy from however long he had been here, waiting for me to wake up.

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