night out

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During the past weeks, we have spent a lot of time together not only as cast mates but also as friends. We often went to the gym together where Drew planned a workout for all of us or went out for dinner. I have also gotten extremely close to Chase. I don't like talking about age but the two of us are the oldest and have some equal experiences so we can trust each other with sensitive topics. It was also our idea to throw a party as soon as we have shot all the scenes are done filming. I'm ready for a good evening with all of my new friends.

"How's it going with you and Austin?", Elaine asks me when we both go to the toilets in the restaurant before we would get our dinner. "Everything's fine, really. I'm so glad that I've met him and Drew. Imagine if I had to spend this whole time alone in that apartment or with someone I don't get along. I'm just thankful I've met them."

"Aw, sounds great, Sarah. I'm glad you're happy", she smiles but doesn't look very happy herself. "Hey, are you alright? You know that you can talk to me, right?", I reassure her. "It's just.. I like that one guy and-"

"A cast member?" "Yeah.. But I think he doesn't like me or prefers someone else, I'm not sure. I was thinking about telling him but what if he doesn't feel the same for me? I'm really afraid of getting hurt", she admits with a light smile. Poor Elaine.

"Hey, you're better than that. You shouldn't worry about it that much. I would definitely tell him. It doesn't matter who he is but all of the boys are very understanding and even if he didn't like you as well right now, he would never hurt you. He's an angel when it comes to being a good friend. So give it a try, you won't be disappointed", I advice her thinking of Drew. 

Drew and Elaine get along so well. I'm not sure if he might like her as much to be dating her but he would definitely tell her nicely. "Thanks, Sarah", she whispers happily and we give each other a hug. "Anytime, Elaine."

"I hope that Elaine and you haven't been talking about us on the toilets earlier", Chase jokes when he joins me standing at the bar waiting for drinks. "Not that much", I shrug playfully, "It's not only about you, you know." 

"Well, then I probably have to tell the boys that should talk less about you girls, too", he jokes. "Wait, you are talking about us?", I wonder surprised. "Sure, what did you think? That we were talking about cars and sports only?" "Yeah, more about cars", I continue joking around and try to find out more, "So what do boys talk about girls?" 

"Don't you mean what does Rudy say about you?" "Maybe", I chuckle and grab my drink, "Did he even mention my name?" "I'll tell you one thing, the only thing that you need to know. Rudy does talk about you and he talks about you in a good way. And I promise you that if you'd be brave enough to take the first step you won't regret it." 

"Why are we talking about me making the first step?" "Because you're the one who's afraid of falling for someone and you said that you didn't even want an on screen love romance so he's trying to keep his distance until he knows it's right for you." Wow, that's pretty lovely. Men respecting women or more general people respecting other people is the real attractive characteristic. We need more of that. "Thanks, Chase", I smile, "And good luck with Madelyn."

"Hey", I say to Rudy when I walk over to the other bar where I find him. I was actually looking for him. Chase gave me the courage that I needed and I feel like it is a good moment right now. I'm a little tipsy but haven't drunk too much to be honest only due to the alcohol. Chase is right. I made myself think that I should not be dating someone else again only because one bad experience. But I could experience so many more good things if I just live freely.

"Hey, good evening?", Rudy replies flashing me a wide smile. "Totally. How about you?" "I'm really enjoying it. I also overheard Madelyn and Elaine saying that they would leave early because Maddie and Chase wanted to spend the rest of the evening together. Sounds good, right?"

"Sounds perfect", I agree nodding and begin to be brave on this adventure, "How does it sound if I ask you if we leave as well? Spend the rest of the evening at the beach?" Rudy looks surprised but then grins widely as he understands what I mean, "Are you sure you're ready for that?" "Totally."

"I really need to know one thing", Rudy changes the topic after we've been talking for at least an hour sitting by the beach, "What made you change your mind?" "Chase and I were talking earlier. He's told me that the reason why you didn't make a move on me isn't that you don't like but me acting like I cannot fall for someone again. I thought about it and I was crazy to think that just because of one bad experience I would have to hide forever. I'm a lot happier when I'm with you."

"You're making me speechless, Sarah", Rudy chuckles, "I thought you would say it's about alcohol. I never expected you to tell me this so seriously." "I haven't had that much alcohol. I'm being completely honest." "I know. I just can't believe it. I hoped that you would be ready soon ever since I met you", Rudy admits, "I'm really surprised and-"

"I don't mean to be rude but shut up", I whisper and grab his neck pulling him closer to me and pressing my lips onto his. Rudy is surprised at first but then quickly lays his arms around my waist and leans into the kiss. When we let go off each other, we smile widely at each other. 

"I don't want this to sounds weird but do you want to stay the night with me in our apartment? We don't have to do anything. I just don't want this to end right now", I try to make sure that he doesn't think I only want this to happen for this night when in reality, this is just the beginning of something big for me.

"Sarah", Rudy chuckles, "You never have to justify yourself when you're with me alright? I would love to stay the night. And tomorrow, we're going on our first official date, alright?" "I'd love to, Rudy."