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I full into the parking lot for the grocery store and climb out before locking her car behind me. I grab a cart and walk around with my list and start finding everything that I need along with a few bits that I saw. Halfway through my shopping trip I bump into a brunette lady and a gorgeous blonde.

"sorry" I apologise to the two and went to continue on when the brunette stops me. She looks at me with kind golden eyes. "It's alright sweetheart. Are you new in town?"

"I just moved back in with my father actually. I'm Anabelle Swan. You?"

"My name is Esme Cullen and this is my daughter Rosalie."

I smile at the two and nod in greeting to Rosalie but notice her attention isn't on me but rather the bundle on my chest. I turn slightly so she could see his face. "This is my son Aiden"

Rosalie steps forward and raises her hand but pauses and looks at me, waiting for permission, I nod and she strokes his cheek gently making him look up at her and make a gurgling noise. Rosalie's face lights up with a smile and Esme coos at Aiden.

"How old is he?" Rosalie's voice held some form of pain that made my heart ache slightly. I look up at her since she was taller then me. "Two weeks"

"He's adorable." I support Aiden's weight as I unclip one side. "Do you want to walk with me? You can feed him as I shop"

She looks surprised that I would ask but is quick to agree. I pass Aiden to her and she holds him as if he's made of glass. I look around and see no one nearby so I quickly take the pumps out of my bra and fill one of his bottles that I brought with me. I hand Rosalie the bottle and put the pumps in my bag since I no longer needed them.

Esme and I walk around together and she helps me find things on my list, while Rosalie practically glues herself to my side as she holds my son. Then she asked me the one question I was dreading. "I hope you don't mind me asking but how did you become a mother so young?"

I freeze for a moment as my heart picks up, I look between Esme and Rosalie before answering. "I was at a party when someone drugged my drink, I'm guessing you can figure out what happened"

Rose stops and looks at me, but it wasn't the usual look of pity that I got instead there was understanding in her eyes. She knew. She knew what it was like to be taken advantage of. She knew what it was like to be left broken and bruised. In that moment I knew we would become friends. I give her a small smile as a single tears rolls down my cheek. She wipes it away and smiles back before pulling me in for a one armed hug. 

I feel Esme place her hand on my shoulder and give it a squeeze as Rosalie lets go of me. After that we don't bring up the subject anymore and instead The help me with the rest of my shop and putting the bags in my car while the place there own in theirs. I had taken Aiden back from Rosalie when he had fallen asleep and he had placed back in his harness. 

"This is your car?" I smile when I hear the awe is Rosalie's voice as she walks around and inspects Baby. "Yeah. Had a hell of a time saving for her but she was worth every dime. You like cars?"

"Like them. I love them. I'm the mechanic of the family."

I nod and think "Do you know anyone who wants a motorcycle? I don't use mine anymore due to this one" I point to the sleeping Aiden with a smile.

"My twin, Jasper, loves motorcycles. What make?"

"1967 BSA Lightning. Still has the original part and everything. You think he would want it?" She looks at me in shock. "He would love it, and I get a new vehicle to work on" I smile as she practically jumps up and down. 

"I've got to meet someone tomorrow but how about I bring it around tomorrow evening around 1ish. I would just need someone to drive me back, would that work?" 

"Of course it will sweetie, and I'm sure of of the kids wouldn't mind driving you back." Esme speaks up from beside me. 

"Give me your numbers and we can keep in touch" I tell them as I close the boot of my car and hold my phone out to them. Rosalie types both of their numbers into it before texting themselves so they had mine. I hug them both and they kiss Aiden's head before leaving. I get into Baby (Car's name) and drive home.

When I pull up dad walks out "I've got the bags you go in."

"Thanks dad." I hang my jacket and bag in the begs by the door before grabbing the bottle and pumps from my hand bag and taking them the the sink to clean them and put them in the sterilize while taking the top half of the pumps upstairs to charge them. I also lay Aiden down for his sleep. While he was sleeping I quickly change his dipper before swaddling him and putting him in his cot. I take the baby monitors and switch them on. Leaving one near the crib I take the other downstairs with me, clipping it to my jeans.

I had taken my shoes and harness off upstairs so when I walk down stairs I start putting away the shopping with dad's help. "I met some people at the store"

"Oh, Really. Who?"

"Esme and Rosalie Cullen. When did they move to town, I don't remember them from my last visit." I question as I start the prep for dinner. I decided to make a stew since I didn't have to slave over it while any leftovers could be packed up for dad's lunch. 

"They moved here two years ago. The father Carlisle and his wife Esme adopted 5 kids. There's Alice, Emmett and Edward Cullen and Rosalie and Japer Hale. Carlisle is a doctor, not sure what Esme does but she's always doing some kind of project. There a good family. Never cause trouble. What did you think of them?" Dad informs me as he steals a piece of carrot from the chopping board and throws it into his mouth.

"Esme is very kind and motherly. They both love Aiden, Rosalie even fed him for me while I shopped. We exchanged numbers so we could meet up at a later time. Also I'm going to give my bike to Jasper since I don't use her anymore. Made plans to take it around tomorrow around 1 when I get back from the Rez"

"That okay with me, I'm guessing you will want to take Aiden with you so how about I take tow Baby up there before my shift and then you can drive back."

I hug him as I thank him and quickly text Rosalie with the new plan while dad cleans up the kitchen. "Dinner will be ready at 7. I have some baking to do so can you attend to Aiden if he wakes up?"

"Sure princess" dad kisses my cheek and takes the baby monitor from my pocket before grabbing a beer from the fridge and sitting in front of the tv. I was going to make a few pie's for the friends I had on the Rez. I couldn't be bothered the make the pie crust so I had brought some while I was out. I dry off my hands and tie up my hair before getting to work. 

An hour and a half later the kitchen island was covered with Blueberry, Apple and Pecan pies. I had made one of each for Dad and I to share while the others I was going to take them with me. 

Swan - Volturi PrincessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt