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"Here you go miss." 

I look up and out the window to see we were now out side of the airport. "Thank you. Can you help me with my bags?"

"Of course, Little guy still sleeping?"

I smiles and nod when I look down at the sleeping boy. The driver was an older man in his late 50's who was incredibly sweet and had sung lullabies on the way when Aiden, my son, started fussing.

 I grab my shoulder bag from the seat next to me as I slide out of the cab, I thank the driver as he places my suitcases onto the cart. I pay the man and push the cart into the airport my airline ticket and passport in hand. The airport was loud and busy as I go through all the stages of security until I get onto the flight.

I keep my shoulder bag at my feet and sigh as I sit down and lean against the window. Looking down I turn my attention to the 2 week old baby boy that was currently strapped to my chest with an over sized scarf.

I had found out I was pregnant about a month after I had been a victim of a date rape drug while at a party. I feel my eyes prick with tears when I remember my mothers and friends reactions. Not one of them had believed me saying that I was 'asking for it' and then punishing him when he left the next morning. Telling me that I was just upset that he didn't want to date me.

The only one who had listened was my dad. I had called him the next morning panicked and crying when I had figured out what had happened through my drugged haze. He was the first I had spoken too, there hadn't been a moment when I needed my father more then I did right then.

Everything became worse when I found out I was pregnant. Mum and Bella became nasty. Paul, my mother's boyfriend, ignored me not really knowing what to do since I wasn't his kid. Dad on the other hand would call me each night just to talk or sing me to sleep like he did when I was younger and would spend the summer with him.

When Bella was 11 and I was 12 she decided that she no longer wanted to visit, meaning I couldn't go either. When I was 13 I got my first job cleaning tables at the local café and would save each year just to buy a ticket and see him.

Because of that I had become good with money and saved everything that I could, even went as far as starting my own online business where I created acrylic nails. When I found out about Aiden mum tried demanding that I get an abortion and I start paying her rent for 'ruining' her life. As if she didn't have a baby young. I mean she was only 18 when she had me and 19 when she had Bella. I was 18.

We would constantly get into fights about money so I decided that once the baby was born I would move in with dad. He was thrilled to have me and finally meet his grandson face to face. I gave birth to Aiden on the 3rd of February at 2am in a hospital room with no family around. An elderly nurse took pity and stole my phone to face time my dad so he could be there and cheered me on with words of encouragement.

The nurse had even set up my phone and charger so my dad could watch over me while I slept and be there in the morning when I woke. He had stayed up the whole night even after a long shift as the chief of police. He was the best dad in the world and I was so lucky to have him.

The flight was only a few hours long so I only had to change and feed Aiden once. Thankfully I was sat next to a middle aged lady and her daughter so she would help cover me when I was breastfeeding and even gave me advice that worked for her when I asked about certain things. 

When the plane landed I stayed in my seat as everyone got off, When they were almost all out of the door I pick up my bag and quickly make my way off, stroking Aiden's head as I do. 

I look around at the signs and find the baggage claim. I find my bag quickly thanks to the neon pink stripe that ran across the middle of the black cases. I had three large suitcases and a single duffle bag. Most of it was Aiden's stuff. Her may be small but he had more clothes then me. 

I put all the bags onto a cart that someone was kind enough to let me use. I push the cart with one hand while I use the other to support my son. I look over the crowd and smile when I see a familiar head of brown hair and police uniform I increase the pace of my steps in his direction feeing better then I have in months just knowing that I would be with him again. "Dad!" 

His head shoots up when he hears my voice before a grin splits his face and he meets me half way before hugging me, careful not the crush the new born. "I'm so happy your home Princess." He kisses my head and I smile as moustache tickles my skin I pull away, kissing his cheek as I do, "I missed you so much" I tell him through happy tears,

He smiles and wipes my tears away before looking down at Aiden. "This him?"

"No I kidnapped a random baby on the plane and switched them" Dad rolls his eyes at my sarcastic tone and I give an innocent shrug. I turns his attention back to his grandson and strokes his cheek gently. "He's so tiny" I smile at the wonder in his voice before he takes the cart and pushes it for my while wrapping an arm around my shoulders. We don't say anything during the ride but nothing needed to be said. The silence was comforting as dad drove below the speed limit. He was very protective of Aiden. 

When we pull up to the house I cant help the happy squeal that leaves me when I see my car hand made it hear safely, and effectively scares my dad making me laugh as he rubs his head from where he had hit it on the roof of the car. Aiden wakes up then and shows off his ice blue eyes to dad. My car was a 67 Chevy impala in black. She was my baby and I made sure to look after her. I even went as far as learning mechanics to do so properly. I saved up a lot to buy her as well.

Dad looks over and smiles before tapping Aiden's nose, making the new born try and cross his eyes to see what happened

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Dad looks over and smiles before tapping Aiden's nose, making the new born try and cross his eyes to see what happened. Dad and I both chuckle before we get out of the police cruiser. "You go in, I'll get the bags" He hands me the keys and I take them gratefully along with my shoulder bag and duffle, before walking up to the door. Once inside I place the keys on the table so dad would know where they are and move into the living room, leaving the door open. 

I sit down and place the bags on the floor before undoing to scarf. Once its off and Aiden is free he stretches his arms up with a yawn that shakes his whole body. I check my watch and notice the time "3, 2, 1..." Just like that Aiden starts to wiggle around and screws his face up as if he was about to cry. 

I shrug my denim jacket off my shoulders before undoing the zip on my maternity jumper. I only wore a bralette underneath so I didn't have to worry about flashing anyone while I was on the plane. Plus I didn't want to make dad uncomfortable. Aiden latches on and I sit back, resting my head on the back of the sofa as I let out a heavy sigh. 

"It's good to be home" I turn my head to the door and dad smiles when he hears me. 

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