Ch. 26

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"Are we going back to orphanage again?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah you can." Hannah replied putting a letter in a small khaki envelope and then opening a jar she placed the letter in there. This was another thing Jimin had noticed her doing almost every day. He was curious to know so he asked another question.

"What are these letters for?"

"A friend of mine." She answered picking up the file from the table and
adjusting her glasses looking at it.

"I think you got it all wrong. You're supposed to put them in letter box." Jimin said.

"Mhmm." Jimin rolled his eyes because he was expecting an actual answer.

"Are you bi?" Jimin asked out of nowhere and Hannah finally looked up at him.

"Why'd ask that?" Hannah eyed him.

"Just because." He shrugged.

"You don't mind it? I mean not that I care that you do but still." She asked keeping her last conversation with Aera in her mind and her concern about Jimin's reaction to her sexuality.

"You're being so blunt these days but yeah, I don't mind."

"Ahan. That'll work." She smiled and Jimin felt the same thing he'd feel when Aera would smile. His heart swelling at the sight. She was beautiful, there was no lie in it and nothing wrong in admitting that or saying that Jimin had observed her sleeping face quite a few times. Yeah totally not falling for her.

He remembered a talk with Jungkook he had just a few days ago.

"Who are you texting?"

"My friend" Jungkook answered and indulged back into his phone. He peeked mischievously only to find a person named Cassiopeia.

"What kind of weird name is it?" He asked and Jungkook just stared at him for a second and then shrugged.

He ended up searching it on Google only to find that it was a constellation. He searched some of its images, it was indeed beautiful.

"Oh!" he gasped seeing a series of 5 moles on her cheek. A perfect constellation. It was beautiful than the original one.

Then the realization dawned upon him, Jungkook was talking to Hannah. He was the first one to observe it. The mole were very obvious on her face but still 'how close Jungkook had been to her face to notice this?' was the question that kept bugging his mind.

"Stop staring. You're distracting me." She smirked while saying and Jimin just rolled his eyes in annoyance getting up from the couch and went to bathroom without saying anything.

He was shaving when he accidentally cut himself with blade and droplets of blood oozed out of his skin, he winced and opened the cabinet for cotton . He was about to close it after the bleeding stopped when he spotted two different vials lying there. He picked it up and read the labels.

He recognized those right away- tranquilizer and antidepressants. "What else is this girl hiding behind her mask?" He mumbled and placed the medicine back.

"Why are you using tranquilizer and other stuff?" He asked entering the room again.
Hannah froze in her spot and then immediately recovered from the shock. 'How did he come to know about it?'

"Why were you going through my stuff?" She asked angrily. She didn't need anybody to pity her just because she wasn't able to get over something that happened long ago in past. She never got over it but had to cope with it one way or another. When things got worse, his father's old friend and her business consultant requested her to seek help and she had no other option but to do it as she respected the man and his opinions a lot.
But she didn't want this to get in way of anything she did nor wanted people to think less of her and feel pathetic for her.
That was the reason she never told anybody about it.

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