Ch. 23

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As the anger faded, Jimin started regretting his words more. He spoke without thinking but now he realized the words were merciless.

Her sobs were drenched in sorrow and kept playing in his mind until he felt he was going insane. So he thought drinking it away was the best option and that's what he was doing right now. But he now felt like he was the one with no friends because everybody else was enjoying with their friends and he was sitting alone at the corner drinking like there was no tomorrow.

He reached his pocket to take out his phone and dialed a number. The call was answered right away.

"Jungkook ah." He whined.

"Hyung " Jimin couldn't hear quite clear because of the music in the bar but the spoke knowing the younger would come immediately to him.

"Do you want to have a drink with me?"

"Uh Hyung I'm with a friend right now. How about tomorrow? We can go to your favorite place." Jimin wanted to lash out at younger but then he remembered Hannah's reaction to his words and he hung up.

"Maybe I really am an asshole." He mumbled and his eyes caught a familiar figure. This was the girl that he went on date with before he started dating Aera.

The alcohol fogged up his mind and he advanced towards the girl. He called her name and she turned around.
He just wanted to distract his mind and a hook up seemed a better option than drinking now.

"Hey Melissa. Right?" Jimin smirked thinking that he remembered her name.

"Elissa." She said.

"Yeah yeah. I was almost there." He clearly was drunk.

"Do you want to hook up?" He paused. "Damn that sounds horrible. But it conveyed the message. So do you want to?"

"I'm here with someone Jimin." She smiled at the guy who was coming towards them.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see it coming." He laughed hysterically and didn't realize that he had started crying. It was loneliness taking over. The girl looked at her boyfriend and then at Jimin.


"Thank you so much Jungkook. I really mean it." She thanked him for umpteenth time.

"Ok ok. Now stop thanking me."

"Byee" she said and entered the house forgetting to lock the door.

Hannah was stunned by the scene in front of her.

A girl was sitting on the couch and another man holding onto Jimin's hand and Jimin___ well he was drunk as hell and whining.

"What the hell is going on? What you two are doing in my house?" She asked in raised tone.

"Oh you're here. I found him in the bar he was wasted so we brought him back but he kept crying and wasn't letting us go back so we had to stay here until someone came."

"We'll leave now." The man said bowing.

"Thank you." She weakly said to the girl when she walked past her. The girl stopped and whispered something softly. Hannah just gave her a smile even though it was piercing her heart.

She held Jimin's hand to help him stand up but the boy stunned her by pulling her close to catch her lips in a kiss. It wasn't Jimin who was thinking, it was alcohol making decisions now.

She turned her face to side and his lips landed on her cheek instead. Feeling desperate he quickly reached for her shirt to take it off and Hannah pushed him back.

"Stop Jimin." She warned.

"Why? Isn't it what you want? You want me. Don't you?" He smirked and tried to pull her into a kiss yet again.

But this time he was strongly pushed back, falling down but someone held him before his head could hit the ground.

"She said stop which means she doesn't want you. You can't force yourself on her." Jungkook grabbed him by collar as he yelled in his face.

"Jungkook" Hannah merely said and Jungkook let go of Jimin and rushed towards the girl who looked like she'd faint any moment.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her supporting her as he sat on the floor and Jimin who was sobered up now because of the incident, just stared at the ground feeling ashamed of himself. He didn't want to even think what he could have done to her if Jungkook didn't come.

He didn't had the courage to even look at her in the eyes. 'When did I stoop so low' he kept asking the question to himself.

"It's alright. I'm right here Hannah. I'm right here. It's alright." Jungkook kept assuring her as he swayed her body in his embrace. When finally she seemed out of daze,she spoke looking at Jimin "Can you stay somewhere else tonight?"

Jimin at first was stunned by the fact that the question was directed towards him and that she was still asking politely instead of yelling at him after what he did.

He just nodded and Jungkook glared at him and said "I'll take him to the dorm." His gaze softened again looking at her. "Do you want me stay with you? Do you want to call someone to stay with you tonight?" He said handing her phone which she left in his car and that was the reason he drove back to her place. But what he found there was infuriating him.

He wanted to rip apart the elder for even having the slightest idea of humiliating her let alone touch her without her permission.

"No. I'll be fine. I'll be fine." She repeated and he hugged her tightly before letting her go.

Jimin waited in the car for Jungkook. Just as he entered the car Jimin leaned in and hugged him. He cried on his shoulder as he muttered a string of ' I'm so sorry.' with an occasional 'I didn't mean to do that. I swear I didn't.'

And Jungkook let him cry until his eyes dry out. He knew Jimin but it wasn't his place to forgive him so, he drove him to dorm and let him think about his actions more after giving a lecture on how wrong it was and how worse it could get if he didn't arrived there. And Jimin was aware of it. The guilt didn't let him sleep and before he knew it was morning.

They boys kept asking him about what had happened to him but he had no answer.

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