Wilbur took a moment to process what George had just said to him, and it hit deep. Wilbur had tried to bring Clay and George together but it only ended up hurting george more.

"What about the millions of people who are fans of you, and everyone on the smp love you. They appreciate and adore you. You are worth it George, it doesnt matter what a couple people think." wilbur stopped his swing, bringing it to a halt, "Clay doesnt mean any harm to you. He's new to the school, and wants to fit in. He's trying his best to please everyone and i think that he quit the group almost immediately after that because he knew that it was wrong. You should talk to him, he's very nice once you get to know him. You both seem to have very good chemistry on streams."

"Wait. Dream. Is. Clay???" George asked loudly. He was very surprised.

"Wait you didnt know? Oh shit. Fuck fuck fuck."

"Yeah of course i knew its extremely obvious that its him. He did a face reveal not so long ago," George laughed a bit, followed by wilbur.

"Did you bring your lunch?" Wil asked george.

"No, i woke up late. But I'm going to grab something when i get home if my dad isn't there." George replied quickly before he was thrown an apple from the brown-haired boy who wore a mustard-coloured beanie.

"Apple," was all wilbur said about it, "eat"

George took a bite of the shiny red apple before chewing and swallowing it, Why is Wilbur so nice? He's like an older brother who cares about everyone and everything?

"What do you plan on doing later gogy?" Wilbur questioned

"Well... i kind of want to stream. I'm not sure though because-" George was interrupted by wilbur hugging him and telling him he's proud of him.


George smiled and pulled away from the hug, "care to join me?"

"YES! Tommys gonna be at football for the majority of this afternoon because he decided to sign up for it yesterday so he wont be available to join for a bit. Knowing him though, he'll do an hour and then quit." Wilbur joked.

"Can you ask ranboo and tubbo?" George asked.

"Yep! Give me your phone number and ill message you what they say,"


GEorge gave Wilbur his phone number and they went to find the group in the canteen.

Wilbur messaged clay while they were all sat down saying that he should try to talk to George to clear some things up. Clay received the message and looked up at Wilbur before looking at George. Wilbur nodded as if to say "Do it you idiot"

[Hi friends]

Clay wrote something on a note before smiling at Wilbur and passing him the note. He then whispered to the music boy something about passing the note to George and to tell him to only open it when he gets home.

Wilbur sighed before agreeing, he passed the note to George and told him that the person who wrote it wants him to only open it at home. Soon, the bell rang to signify the start of next lesson. He placed the note into his bag and walked to his classroom. It was maths, which George found quite easy to be honest. The topic that his class was learning was the nth term [i have no idea what is but we were supposed to learn it in class AGES AGO] which was confusing to the vast majority of people had no idea what the hell maths was.

George was contempt with what he knew in maths, he'd already be able to pass any major exams coming up. Not that there would be any in the last to weeks of school.

He drew random lines subconsciously on his maths work after finisheing the work that he was set, then he spent a small percentage of class daydreaming until he heard a thud on the chair next to him. He looked to his right to see Wilbur sitting next to him. George never noticed that wilbur was in his maths lessons. He swiftly covered up his line drawings with his elbow so that Wilbur wouldn't be able to know that George was barely paying attention to lesson.

He got a few stares from other people in his class, but he just blocked them out of his mind. He must have zoned out as he came back to reality by Wilbur tapping his shoulder.

"Have you read the note yet?" He whispered to George.

"No? It says read it when i get home Wil." George whispered back, "besides, I only have English left and they're watching a film so it would too dark to read then."

"Read it nowwww, my curiousity wants to know what was written."

George looked at Wilbur with a hint of suspicion in his eyes before grabbing the folded up piece of paper and spreading it across the desk.


Dear, George

I know that i may have came across as rude when i was around whatever-their-names are who bully you, I want to apologise. What they're doing is beyond rude and i want to try to stop them. I want to be your friend, not just because everyone else in the mini group is, but because you seem like an extremely great person who seems really great to be with.

Meet me on the roof of the school after school, i want to show you something

From, Clay [Dream]


George looked at Wilbur with a shocked expression and Wilbur looked at George with an almost identical expression.

"Well, guess I'm meeting Clay on the roof. Ill push back the you-know-what to maybe later. But i might not do it if you-know-who's home," George thought out loud, still whispering to his friend while the math teacher whittered on about maths.

"You know full well I'm going to watch from a distance," Wilbur added.


"Y'know, i think you and Clay would make a good couple," Wilbur said to George extremely quietly, flustering the boy.

"I- Wilbur why..." George stuttered.

The reaction that he received made wilbur laugh, struggling to stay quiet and avoid attention of learning classmates. His laughs were covered up with the sleeves of his hoodie. It was true though, they would make a good couple.

Remaining lessons soon passed and instead of heading home, George headed up the many flights of stairs towards the roof of the school. He saw the silhouette of a boy in the distance sitting on a box.

He slowly walked over to the person and they talked. A lot.


Want a hint for the next chapter? They talk :]

1810 words z-z

11th August 2021

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