[ 𝟓𝟒 ]

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"I found him last month" Angela said as Pluto was resting his head on her lap, with your coat covering him. "I love dogs, and he was so adorable I just had to feed him" She said as she was caressing Pluto's hair

Mey- Rin and Finny turned their heads to each other. "Adorable?" They both said. "He had a bad habit of turning human when he gets too excited" She said

"Don't just brush it off as a 'Habit'!" Baldroy exclaimed. "And you kept him without telling anyone?" You questioned as Angela nodded. "Yes. Lord Barrymore was using the legend of the demon hound. But in truth, he feared the hound more than anyone" She said as she lowered her head down

"When I thought of what might happen to him if my lord found him..." She said, before continuing. "I see that I was too indulgent. I never thought the little fellow would hurt Lord Barrymore.." She said before she raised her head with a pleading look on her eyes

"Please! Would you be kind enough to keep him at your estate, my lord?" Angela begged as Sebastian had a 'are- you- serious' face. You just quietly chuckled at his reaction

"K-Keep him at the estate?!" Baldroy exclaimed. "At Sebastian and Y/N's side, perhaps even Pluto could become a good, faithful dog!" She said as Sebastian had an annoyed look on before responding

"No. You see I am merely one hell of a butl-"

"Why not?" Ciel said with a smirk as Sebastian stared at him deeply with an annoyed glint in his eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you mean that, Young Master?" He said, trying so hard not to spit venom on his words

"Yes. It sounds amusing.. In several ways.." Ciel said, as that smirk never got out of his face as he looked at Sebastian

Sebastian just sighed. "I'll be very entertained when I see you dealing with him" You said with a smirk, before hearing something behind you

You turned around as the villagers were running towards you all, with a chant. "The great demon hound's curse is lifted~!" They sang happily as they went to their knees

"Thank goodness! Thank goodness!" They said with happy tears on their faces. "What's all of this about?" You said. "There is a legend in this village that whenever the sins of our ancestors against dogs are fully atoned for, the land will weep tears of forgiveness" Sebastian said

"How in the name of barbatos do you know all of this stuff?" You whispered as he smirked. "You see, I'm merely one hell of a butler" he said as you patted his shoulder. "One hell of a bitch that's for sure" You said, as a slight vein was showing on Sebastian's forehead

"Those are tears or blessings!" An old lady screamed. "This village had this hot spring all along, though" You said. "Well, no matter. We've accomplished our goal" Ciel responded

"Shouldn't you declare now that line you so clumsily let slip earlier?" You said as you and Sebastian smirked before a vein showed in Ciel's head. "You both do it" He responded as you and Sebastian both said in sync

"Case closed!"


You were preparing the carriage so all of you can finally go back to the manor. "Don't forget me, Pluto" She said as she put a collar on him, before giving him a small kiss on his cheek

"Pluto! If you're going into town, put some clothes on! Don't just swing in the breeze! After all, a lady's coat isn't enough!" Baldroy yelled

"Er, Angela..." Finny said, making you immediately look at him and Angela with a small smirk. You knew about Finny's big crush on her and plus, this scene was like in those romantic novels you read in Lisa's library

"Let's meet again, Finny" Angela said, with a smile as she kissed Finny's cheek, making him turn redder than a pyro vision as that smirk never came off your face

"Well then, shall we be off? I'll certainly come to visit Pluto one day" Angela said with a smile. "I wish we could refuse" You said. "What?" Angela said as you sensed something from Angela

Her aura was different. Not the type of aura she had (a/n: hxh)

"Not many people could tame a demon hound. You seem to have a talent for making lesser beings eat out of your hands" You said as you sharpened your eyes. You were clearly suspicious of Angela as she slightly sharpened her eyes as well

"Let's go Y/N" Ciel said, as you nodded before going inside the carriage. "See you, Angela!" Finny said as he, Baldroy, and Mey- Rin waved at the maid

"Did you notice?" Sebastian said as you nodded. "Yeah.."

" She definitely isn't human.."








i was bored so i was like 'why not post a ch?'

and also, im remembering this one time two weeks ago when i went to those go karts and legit everyone were amazing of my driving skills (legit my confidence went brr brr)

the fact that im still not old to have a driver's license... is this a sign that i can get mine early..

ok enough with my dumb shit

next up, 55

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