[ 𝟐𝟕 ]

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"These days, I often get customers who are incomplete" Undertaker said. "Incomplete?" Madam Red said as she was holding a beaker with tea

"Yes, incomplete... the wombs are missing, though the killer makes quiet violent splatter. The wombs themselves are neatly cut out" Undertaker continued

"Wouldn't such an excision have been difficult for an amateur, particularly in the middle of the night?" You said, making the Undertaker's head turn towards you

"You're a sharp one, new maid. That's my opinion as well" Undertaker said as he was getting closer to Ciel, which made you and Sebastian be on your guard

Undertaker placed a hand on Ciel's shoulder. "First, the ripper slashes their throats with a sharp hand weapon" He said, as he motioned a slice onto Ciel's throat

"Then cuts this part open.. And takes what's precious to them" Undertaker said as his hand was going to Ciel's stomach and pocket Ciel's cheek with his nails as it clearly showed Ciel wasn't comfortable

"I'm sure there will be others killed. People like that don't stop until someone stops them" Undertaker said. "Can you do it, o villainous noble Lord Phantomhive?" Undertaker said in a teasing tone

"On the honor of my family crest, I eliminate anyone who defiles the Queen's garden, without exception and by any means necessary" Ciel said before continuing

"Thank you for the information, Undertaker. We'll be taking our leave" He said as Sebastian was helping Ciel with his coat. You were the last person to leave until Undertaker hand signaled you to come here

"So tell me, Maid" He saids before showing his usual smirk

"Where are you from?"









help the comments have been going brr brr with people saying 'oh is this a theory' or smt  like that but its not ahahahaha :D *sweat drops*

next up, 27

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