I admire the way he has tied his hair into a bun and can't help but admire the way that his back looks, his muscles—okay Alexa stop. I creep another step forward, stopping in my tracks when I notice a pair of Calvin Klein boxers thrown on the floor. My eyes stay focused on the item of clothing while my mind realises the situation that is in front of me.

He's naked.

Maybe this isn't a good idea, I should go back inside. I turn slowly on my heels, stopping when I hear a water movement sound from behind me.

"And where do you think you're going?"

I shut my eyes and mouth 'fuck' to myself. "Back inside." I answer unsurely, still with my back facing Harry.

"Join me?"

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Uh, I don't think—you're... you know..."


"Yeah, that." I reply, balling my hands into fists at my sides.

"I'll close my eyes." He answers sounding serious yet playful at the same time.

Confused with what he means, I ask, "What do you mean?"

"I'll close my eyes while you get undressed and climb in."

Wait... Oh!

"Harry, I don't know—" I stop myself mid sentence, why am I saying no when that's the last thing I want to say? I almost died a week ago, why can't I do something spontaneous? "Okay, fine." I turn on my heels so that I am now facing Harry who's now resting his head on his elbows on the side of the pool closest to me. "But you have to promise to keep your eyes closed until I tell you to, okay?"

He bites his bottom lip to try and hide his smile, "Promise." He drops his head so that his forehead is resting on his arms.

I take a deep breathe, you can do this Alexa.

I feel completely out of my comfort zone doing this but it feels right at the same time. Everything will be fine as long as he doesn't look or touch.

I keep my eyes focused on Harry to make sure that he doesn't peek. I could leave my underwear on but I decide to ignore that fact and strip all of my clothing off of my body and shove it into a pile next to Harry's underwear. He won't be able to see anything through the water.

I just don't want him to see my scars, he can't see them.

I tip toe as quickly as possible to the pool entrance steps, climbing in at a fast pace feeling exposed with the lack of clothing. The warm water immediately soothes me, even making my rib pain ease slightly.

I look over to Harry who still has his head down, his back now facing me.

Don't look down. Don't look down.

I walk through the water until I reach next to Harry, resting my arms on the side of the pool as I mimic Harry's position so that my breasts are covered. I guess this is a time when I should be blessed for being a part of the itty bitty titty community.

"Okay, you can open your eyes." I whisper, since I'm close enough to him that the sides of our shoulders are touching.

He slowly raises his head, carrying on looking straight ahead and not at myself. "Promise that you won't touch the sides of my upper thighs?" I ask in a begging tone, he might not even lay a finger on me but I won't be able to ease my anxiety unless I know that he won't touch me in that area. He can't touch me there or he'll feel my scars.


"Just please promise me Harry." He turns his head to that he is now staring at my face. I hold my arms with my hands to try and hide that they are shaking.

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