Chapter 10

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*Flashback: 2 years ago*

It was Aelia's graduation ceremony, along with Cassandra's and Jeremy's. Aelia knew that she'd have to dive further into the business life after this and she couldn't just hide behind her studies anymore but she had her family and friends beside her. She'd be fine, she told herself. She was suppose to have dinner with her parents and uncle after the ceremony. She'd celebrate with Cass and Jeremy the next day because her parents had to leave later for an important business thing and her Uncle couldn't make it to the graduation but he had promised to join for the dinner later that day with her parents. She understood that they were busy. It actually made her feel pretty lucky how, despite everything, they all would try their best to make time and be there for her. Jeremy was planning to propose the next day and Aelia had helped him set it all up. He asked her to be there for it too. He said that there was no way he was making a life commitment without his genius best friend being there and overlooking the whole thing.

Aelia was more excited than him about it. She'd practically played cupid when she realised they liked each other the senior year of high school. Now they were getting engaged, she felt the kind of accomplishment she usually feels when she comes up with a brand new aeroplane designs and successfully completes the blueprint.

Soon names were being called out and students went up to collect their degrees. When her name got called out she heard her parents and friends and even the friend's families loudly cheering for her. Being one of the youngest graduates with one of the highest GPAs, she was asked to make a speech but she had declined, given that she wasn't very good at talking to large crowds.

Soon they were done with the ceremony and Aelia hugged her parents. They both held her so tight she laughed and told them she couldn't breathe.

"We're so proud of you honey." Her mother said with her eyes glistening.

"Our babygirl just graduated college, at 20 years old. Can you believe it?" Aelia's Dad asked her mom and they both were getting emotional.

"Okay you guys, stop with the tears you know this was coming." Aelia chuckled.

"We just can't help it. We're the luckiest parents alive."

Aelia's attention got caught as she heard gasps and she turned around to find Jeremy on one knee.

Jeremy was supposed to wait for a day. But seeing the love of his life run into his arms with a smile with all their loved ones around them, he knew this was the perfect moment. He knew it could never get better than this. He had brought the ring with him on intuition and he'd never been more thankful.

So he got on one knee as people around him gasped.

"Cass, I was supposed to do this later and I hope Aelia doesn't kill me for ruining our perfect plan but I just couldn't help myself. I've realized that it doesn't get better than this, then you. I don't see my life going anywhere, if you're not right there with me. I used to think grand gestures were stupid. But, when I think about what you deserve in life, I couldn't think of anything less than grand. So pardon me if I'm inadequate, but I gotta ask now, and try to give you the grandest life I could. Cassandra Shay Mason, will you marry me?"

Cassandra knew a proposal was coming soon but she hadn't expected this. Tears of joy made their way down her cheeks as she exclaimed,

"Yes! Yes, you idiot you were suppose to make sure my makeup doesn't get ruined!"

Aelia couldn't believe her eyes. She knew she had spent time planning their proposal but she couldn't be mad at the change of plans. This was perfect.

After hugs and kisses and alot of tears of joy the three families finally separated.

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