Chapter 2

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"I could maybe call your phone?" Aelia suggested. She had just entered, and as she had never been in that apartment before, she didn't know where to look.

"That's okay. I probably just put it on the coffee table. I just need you to point your phone that way." Nina instructed.

Aelia did as she was told, and Nina stepped towards the coffee table.

"Shit! I forgot about this." Nina cursed as she accidentally stepped on a piece of glass from the glass she had accidentally knocked over while she was trying to reach the door.

Aelia jumped on alert. She stepped towards Nina and held on to her waist to balance her. Luckily, Aelia was wearing shoes and was safe from the dangers of the broken glass.

After shining light on Nina's foot, they discovered that it was bleeding and a small piece of glass was stuck in it. Although the glass didn't seem to cut in too deep.

This only added to Aelia's concern for the girl about to give birth.

"Let's just get you to the couch." Aelia said as she placed Nina's arm around her neck and her own arm around Nina's waist.

Nina, however, couldn't think much beyond the close proximity of her and the mysterious neighbor, who as it turns out, was even more beautiful up close.

Apparently, her brain had decided to think about that rather than the fact that she was in labor and she had a piece of glass in her foot.

Nina obviously needed to set her priorities straight. But how could she when she wasn't even straight herself.

As Aelia guided her towards the couch, Nina's attention was forced back onto her child, trying to get out of her as she experienced another contraction. She tried not to scream, but as the pain intensified, the scream riped out of her throat, and she tightly held onto Aelia, who was once again panicking.

Aelia managed to get Nina to the couch. Nina finally let go of her grip on Aelia as her contraction passed.

Aelia knew she needed to get her act together. She looked around and spotted Nina's phone.

"Here is your phone. Call your friends. Also, where is your first-aid kit?" Aelia asked.

Nina informed Aelia about the whereabouts of the first-aid kit, and Aelia took off trying to find it while Nina contacted her friends. As Aelia returned with the kit, she noticed that Nina wasn't on the phone anymore and seemed a bit distressed.

Aelia didn't immediately question Nina's sudden change of mood. Nina had been unusually calm for a woman who was in labor, Aelia figured something didn't quite go according to plan that was keeping the other girl calm.

Aelia sat infront of Nina and tried to point her phone's flashlight on Nina's wound while juggling the items necessary to clean the said wound.

Seeing Aelia's struggle, Nina took the phone from her and pointed it towards her foot herself. This made Aelia sigh in relief. She started carefully cleaning the pregnant girl's wound, not wanting to cause anymore pain than the other girl was already in. But she had to get the piece of glass out.

"Okay, so this might hurt." Aelia said, trying to look up to Nina's face, but all she saw was the light pointed towards the wound and darkness.

"Go for it." Nina stated. She had been mentally preparing herself for all the pain she'll go through since she found out she was pregnant. Even though this wasn't exactly a part of the process, this still wasn't much compared to what she might face ahead.

Aelia took a final glance towards Nina, seeing only light and darkness. She pulled the glass out, not wanting to drag the process and causing more pain. The glass wasn't in too deep, Nina hissed at the pain.

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