Chapter 9

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Aelia had a lot of things to think about. She had to figure out what to do about the CEO situation, at the same time she had a date to plan. Not to forget, she also had to tell Nina that she was actually a billionaire who owned a whole airline but ran away from it all.

The first step was the date. After brainstorming and facetiming with Cass and Jeremy, she finally decided on what to do about the date. She also came to a decision about the CEO situation, but kept it to herself.

She was hoping that the fact that she kept it all from Nina wouldn't blow up on her face.

They had decided that the date would be 2 days after Aelia asked. Nina spent these two days with a constant smile on her face. Aelia and Nina didn't interact much in these days since Nina was busy with catching up with college and Aelia had her own things to deal with. They kept texting back and forth though.

An hour before the date Nina was panicking in her room over what to wear. The other three friends were watching her amused.

"You know that Aelia won't care what you wear right? She literally held your hand while you were giving birth, I mean talk about moving too fast." Shelby commented with a chuckle.

"That's why they are so goals. They've been through shit together. They're meant to be." Danny said, sounding proud.

"What are they? Buttcheeks?" Jasper said and snorted. Then he mumbled to himself, "I've been spending too much time with Danny."

Nina glared at her friends.

"You guys aren't helping at all. I want to look presentable and exactly, she's seen me giving birth and be a mother of a new born. I want this to feel like a date, not just any other day." Nina sighed.

"Nina she'll love whatever you wear. It will feel like a date because it is one, where you won't have to worry about Nat or Danny. Today will be just about you two. That's enough to make it perfect already." Jasper assured.

"Wear the black dress though. The girl is heads over heels for you even after watching you give birth, I can't wait to see what you in that dress will do to her." Shelby smirked.

"It will be magical!" Danny exclaimed clapping his hands.

"Okay okay, black dress it is then." Nina finalized and started getting ready.

Aelia was nervous. She knew tonight could go into many directions. She wasn't sure if she was ready for some of them. What if Nina thinks it isn't worth it? What if its all too much for her, I mean she is a mother of a newborn, she can't deal with Aelia's problems right?

Aelia had already decided that she'd be honest though, she had to do this.

So she got dress in a black suit jacket over a white tee shirt with black suit pants. Cass had picked out the outfit during their long facetime chat. Jeremy had approved it with the unnecessary remark that it was good to see Aelia actually dress up for the first time in a long time.

She waited at her neighbor's door looking at her clock anxiously. Right when the clock struck 7 she knocked.

Shelby opened the door with Danny in tow.

"You look Gorgeous!" Danny exclaimed as soon as he saw her. But Shelby shot him a look and he instantly tried to act serious.

"I mean greetings, what can we do for you today?" He 'rephrased'. Aelia chuckled.

"I'm here for Nina." She decided to play along.

"Hmm I see." He said. "What are your intentions with our Nina?" He asked. Aelia gave them both a 'really' look, at the same time tried to keep herself from smiling at them.

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