Chapter 3

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Aelia left to analyze the situation outside and get Susan. This left Nina alone in her apartment with just her phone's flashlight, her unborn child and her thoughts.

Nina's mind was running, trying to understand and think a way around this disastrous situation. Now, with Aelia not present, she was feeling unsafe and vulnerable. Her mind went to the places she tried to avoid. So in attempts to avoid the unhealthy thoughts she decided to prepare herself for what she might have to do in order to keep her baby safe. It was a huge possibility that she would have to give birth right there in her apartment. Or she would have to get to the hospital despite all odds. She was trying to mentally prepare herself for anything.

She kept telling herself that she wasn't alone and that she won't be alone, she had Aelia. It probably wasn't wise to put so much faith in a complete stranger, but Aelia was all she had at the moment. Aelia was the only thing giving her hope and making her feel like she'd be alright.

Aelia, on the other hand, went to the lobby first. Her only focus was Nina and her safety. She wanted to figure out the least problematic way for Nina to safely give birth. 

Aelia had never had to face a situation before where someone else was depending on her. Especially if it was someone she had never met before. She had never felt this type of need to go out of the way to protect someone. She was used to being alone and trying to avoid people and their problems in hope of avoiding her own problems. 

It all came natural to her though. She didn't ask herself why she was doing it. In that moment, all she was thinking about was Nina, safe ways for Nina to give birth, and well some more of Nina.

As Aelia reached the lobby, she stood at the main entrance of her apartment building to see what was going on outside. All she saw was darkness, people running around, flashes of light here and there, and she heard shouts and loud curses and sirens. It was absolute chaos. 

Needless to say, trying to get to a hospital was a no-go.

Aelia went up to the receptionist of the building to inquire just in case. The receptionist appeared to be a guy who himself seemed pretty baffled by the whole blackout situation. He just confirmed that they hadn't been able to communicate with anyone and it was safe to probably just stay inside the apartment and wait it out. Aelia also asked about any other doctor or medical personnel in the building, but it appeared that Susan was the only one.

The guy also understood the unusual circumstances and agreed to inform Aelia as soon as he gets any sort of an update.

Now, Aelia had to go to the nurse's apartment and hope that she was available.

Aelia finally reached the apartment and knocked.

She had already communicated with a few people at the supermarket and the receptionist today. Not to forget Nina, but that came natural to her. Regardless, she was pretty much done with social interactions for the day.

She had to do this though and she was hoping the nurse won't need too much details from her.

The door finally opened and standing in front of her was a small woman looking in about her early thirties. She just stared at Aelia expectedly.

"Uh hi." Aelia said awkwardly. She wasn't used to calling people over to her neighbor's house to help her give birth.

"Hello", the woman replied shortly.

"I'm Nina's ... neighbor. And kind of yours too. I mean I live in the building. She's about to give birth." Aelia lamely explained.

The woman just scrunched her brows.

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