Chapter 6

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Nina felt her heart dropping more than a little when she realised that Aelia wasn't going to show up. Although, her night got better when Nat woke up and she finally got to start being a mother.

Aelia on the other hand had made up her mind. After debating with her own conscious for almost all night she had come to the conclusion that she had fought enough with her demons already. She didn't owe them anything. She couldn't let them keep pulling her back anymore.

The next day at about noon, Aelia was standing in front of Nina's apartment. Trying to compose herself before what she knew was going to be more than usual amount of human interaction for her. And of course she was nervous to see the girl who had been on her mind ever since they met and the child she silently promised the world to.

Shelby was going on about how Aelia probably wasn't coming, while Danny was enthusiastically defending their neighbor claiming that Aelna (the ship name he came up with) was written in the stars. Jasper observed silently watched while sending worried glaces towards Nina who was in her room laying beside a sleeping Nat. She seemed a little down.

A knock was heard catching the attention of everyone in the apartment.

"I'll get it." Shelby stated.

Danny and Jasper hopefully looked at the door while Nina had also lifted her head from her bed, trying to listen closely to figure out who was at the door.

Shelby was a little taken back when she saw Aelia standing on the other side with a nervous smile. Although Shelby was secretly hoping Aelia would prove her wrong, she never expected her to actually do it.

"Hey." Aelia said, noticing how the other girl seemed a little shocked.

"Hi." Shelby replied shortly. That's when Aelia knew she'd have to do the talking and she groaned internally.

"I'm here to see Nina. Check if she's doing alright." Aelia briefly explained.

By then, Jasper and Danny had peaked at the door and realised Aelia had finally showed up. Jasper was grinning proudly while Danny was doing his happy dance.

Nina, however, still had no idea. She didn't want to get her hopes high for no reason so she just remained in her room.

"She's doing alright." Shelby replied, still a bit skeptical of her neighbor.

"Can I see her? And Nat?" Aelia asked.

"What is it that you do?" Shelby ignored her question and asked one if her own instead.


"I asked what do you do?"


Shelby raised her eyebrow at Aelia, who just smiled back sheepishly.

"During satanic rituals." Shelby deadpanned.

"I sacrifice creeps walking around at night." Aelia answered, playing along.

Shelby smirked. Maybe they will get along.

"You can come inside." She finally said.

"You let people inside your home on the basis of what they do during satanic rituals?" Aelia questioned amused.

"Just the one's who prefer being a ghost over human."

"You thinks ghosts participate in satanic rituals?"

"Do you guys not?"

"Its more of a casual ghost hangout for us. The sacrificing is just for entertainment."

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