Twenty Five

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I know the word 'love' is special but I don't know why my mind was not ready to accept it. My heart constantly kept signalling me but my mind became a barrier. With all the conflicting thoughts in my head, I stood alone by the lake when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to look at the person behind me. I saw Mihir standing right behind me.

"You scared me", I said.

"I thought you were a brown belt in karate"

"How do you know that?"

"Arjun told me. He asked me to never scare you or play a prank on you"

"Yeah he keeps telling that to everyone"

"So why are you here? I thought you liked Sahil Kapoor"

"I do. But my mind is not ready to take all the stuff that's being said inside"

"Actually.. it's a pretty deep topic. I have a question for you. Can I go ahead?"

"Ofcourse. Shoot"

"What if I told you that I really liked you?"

"Whoa.. what? I was not expecting that", I literally chocked.

"I actually kinda had feelings for you in college but was too shy to talk to you about it. But when Divya told me about your feelings so I thought they were mutual"

"What? When did she tell you?"

"Just recently"

"Listen Mihir, that was like a long time ago. That was when we were in college. But now I just see you as a good friend. Nothing more than that"


"I'm so sorry. But I don't see you like that anymore", I said and started walking away.

"Can I atleast know the person name?"

"What?", I turned back and walked to him.

"I can see that in your eyes. Your eyes say a lot of things"

"How could you possibly see anything in my eyes. After all everyone's eyes are just the same with different shapes"

"You can't understand it. But the person who looks at you can understand it very well"

"What do you mean?"

"I have actually observed some changes in you lately. You have been dreaming a lot. Even at work"

"God no! I'm fine"

"You are just making yourself feel better by repeating it. But the truth is something else. You can't keep battling with the truth for a long time. It has to come out and you will eventually have to accept it"

"Okay... it's Arjun. He's bothering me a lot"

"Now you let the cat out of the bag"

"I know it's awkward but I really don't know what happens to me when he's not around. I constantly keep thinking about him. I always want him to be happy. I want to try every possible thing on this earth to make him happy. I have butterflies in my stomach when he looks at me. I sometimes tend to get nervous when he's around me. I keep talking to myself. I keep imagining our conversations. I know this is insane. Seriously... I am an idiot"

"You are not an idiot. You are in love with Arjun. Your heart has already accepted it. It's just your mind which is stopping it"

"I have always seen him as my best friend. He looks at me the same way. I might loose my best friend if I do something stupid"

"See now that's what is stopping you. How can you know what other's feel about you without even telling them what you feel about them? Always listen to your heart"

"I don't know. You might think that I am stupid"

"You are not stupid. Okay let's do that exercise which you were supposed to do inside but you chickened out and ran away"

"Excuse me! I didn't chicken out. I just came out for because I was bored"

"Okay. So brave girl get going. I'm waiting for an answer"

I closed my eyes. Initially everything was black and dark. I could see nothing. But suddenly there was a flash and I could see Arjun. That moment felt perfect.

Mihir is right. I'm in love with Arjun.

"Okay girl. So tell me what you see?"

"Arjun", I responded. "I only see Arjun"

"Congratulations Adhya Kumar. You are in love"

I couldn't believe that my internal conflict had finally ended and everything was clear as a crystal. I was in love with Arjun Sharma. My best friend.

"Thank you Mihir. I owe my life to you. And I am really sorry about what I have done to you. I don't mean to hurt you"

"It's okay Adhya. My plan has finally worked"

"Plan? What plan?"

"I saw that you were distributed a lot lately. I kinda figured out that Arjun was the reason and you were not accepting it. So I had to make a plan to make you figure things out"

"So all you said was...."

"A total bluff. But the crush thing was true. I really had a crush on you in college. You were cute"

"What do you mean? Ain't I cute now?"

"You are very cute and adorable. I think Arjun can give you a detailed picture. And FYI it was Arjun who told me that you had a crush on me"

"I'm going to kill him"

"Actually, thank him. It was because of him that this whole idea came across my mind"

"Thank you Mihir. You are a sugar pie", I whispered in his ear while giving him a hug.

"There you are! Addy I have been searching for you in the whole resort. I am starving. Hey Mihir, how are you buddy?", enquired Arjun.

"I'm awesome buddy. And congratulations for the IPL. What a terrific performance"

"Thanks buddy. Mind joining us for the dinner?"

"You guys carry on. I have some work to do"

"As you wish. Come on Addy, I'm starving like hell. Let's get some food"

As I was leaving to the food court with Arjun. I turned back and thanked Mihir. He mouthed to tell Arjun soon. And I quickly nodded and walked away.

"What's up with you guys? Why are you signalling each other?"

"It's none of your business. And by the way are you jealous?"

"Why on earth would I be jealous? I'm happy for you both"

"Really? And did you tell Mihir that I had a crush on him in college?"

"Yeah I did. So?"

"You betrayed me. I am never going to show this face to you again", I said jokingly pointing at my face.

"I don't accept your punishment"

"How is that a punishment for you?"

"I can't live without my monkey", he said giving me a hug. It felt surreal. I was dancing inside. I finally found my place and both my heart and my mind were in solace.

Finally, I fell for him.


Hello guys,

Hope you like the new update. The story has come to an end. The next update is going to be the final chapter for this book. Thanks for all the love and support. Please don't forget to vote!!

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