Chapter 46. The choice

Start from the beginning

"It was when you were little" Leo stated.

"Wrong again" Mikey said while walking away from him.

Mikey looked at a nearby clock and noticed that they would leave in about 40 minutes. Mikey turned towards Donnie and gave him his famous smile. Even though his voice was almost gone and he was surprise this all happen in 20 or so minutes.

"You still want some of my blood, Don?"

Don looked at the clock and nodded.

"We got some time" Don quickly took Mikeys good hand and led him back to Donnies office. Swift walked in behind them.

"You're going to watch, Swift?" Donnie asked.

"I thought since we'll be spending together in the god world, and such, we should get to know each other." Swift said while pulling up a chair and sat on the side of Mikey and Don, so like the outer middle.

For some reason that ticked Mikey off, the words 'spending time' and 'get to know each other' didn't really ticked him off more like it scared him. He wasn't worried about people talking to Swift before, but he guessed since they were teenagets now it did scare Mikey that Swift might leave him. Not wanting to deal with Mikey anymore, or find him annoying, hard to keep a eye on.

Mikey shook off these thoughts and smiled towards Donnie.

"So how much blood will you need?"

"Only 470ml, is the average anyways"

Donnie clean the spot where he will be sticking the needle. After making sure it was clean he grabbed a long thin needle. Too be fair Mikey wasn't a fan of needles, just because of how sharp they are and what happen with the kranng. Mikey took a deep breath and looked the other way. Mikey felt the needle get pushed slowly into his skin.

"So what do you think the god world looks like?" Donnie ask, in attempt to distract Mikey.

"Probably really bright and full of life, since gods like shiny stuff" Swift respond.

"Careful Don, you're slipping" Swift quickly got up from his sit and place his hands on Donnie shoulders.

Mikey just stared at them, he forgot all about the needle and the blood being drained from him, as Mikey watched his boyfriend hold onto his brothers arm, whispering to him, and rubbing his arms!

"Swift can you leave the room for a minute" Mikey said in a stern voice.

Swift looked confused but let go of Dons shoulders and tried to kiss Mikey's cheek but Mikey turned his head, Making Swift miss.

"Are you okay jelly bean?" Swift asked while reaching out to Mikey.

"Just leave the room for bit, I need to talk to Don alone" Mikey spoke, not making eye contact while the tears slowly came to his eyes.

Swift just nodded and left the room.

"Donnie, is there something going on between you two?" Mikey asked while turning his face towards his older brother.

Donnie took out the needle and sighed.

"I was hoping you wouldn't find out right now, but I guess I should tell you" Donnie started cleaning the blood up, and looked at Mikey.

"A month or so after you got kidnapped, Swift and the others came here to get help, we agreed and one night, when I was studying and Swift was here with me. We were talking about you and how to get you back, Leo then came in and looked at us. Something seem to hit him and he left for a few minutes"Donnie paused and grabbed Mikeys hand.

"Please wait until you hear the whole story, Mikey I promise we didn't mean to hurt you"

Mikey realized what he meant and started to cry.

"No...please don't tell me..." Mikey cried.

"Leo came in the room holding three cups, it was cherry soda and we all drank it. Swift and I felt funny, but Leo left the room rather quickly and shut the door really fast. The when I looked at Swift he lunged at him and kissed me.... I realized that Leo had drugged us. Swift and I had no control over our thoughts or how we were moving." Donnie stopped talking and took a deep breath trying to calm down.

"All we did was kiss, but the next day, we saw what had happen we both threw up and cried, we tried to scrub off what had happen with soap for hours. But of course the lasting effects are different for turtles. So Swift is still under the effect but I made a cure today, I forgot to give it to him but this is the last time he will touch me or talk to me alone." Don finished.

Mikey took all he said in.

"He cheated with my brother.....I cheated on him too..... we were both force to so I'm not mad just really sad.... " Mikey whispered.

Just then the lab door open and someone running came in. It was Swift and he hugged Mikey tightly.

"I'm so sorry, so so so so so sorry my love" Swift cried into Mikeys shoulder.

Two Ninjas but one spark (Mikey X Swift)Where stories live. Discover now