Chapter 13: Karma

Start from the beginning

I make my way out ready to face what the world is preparing for me. 

"Annika, what took you so long, we're gonna be late" I smile, she always is grumpy at simple stuff. 

"I'm sorry, Mitchell" she looks into my eyes and I feel like she is pealing my mask. "My dear, have you been crying" she holds my face, studying me. 

"No Mitchell, I'm just tired." she hits my head, making me frown as I rub the spot. 

"That hurt," she turns and starts walking, I follow her. 

"Good, I hope it knocked some sense into you." I grin, rolling my eyes. What side of the bed did she wake up on. 

I see Diego walking out of his room and I run to him. "Hey, babyface. Missed me," he spins around smirking. 

"I take that as a compliment, makes me feel younger." I start laughing at his observation and he pats my head making me frown. 

"I'm not a dog. What's with everyone in this mansion treating people like animals," I mumble as I fix my hair. Thanks to Diego it was a mess. I hear his laughter behind me and I look back rolling my eyes at him. 

He catches up to me, "because your a--"  I instantly turn around. "If you finish that sentence I will-" 

"What will you do puppy." Ok, that's it. I kick him right where the sun doesn't shine and run for my life. He was on the floor holding his area as he was groaning in pain "ANNIKA, I WILL KILL YOU," I couldn't contain my laughter as it filled the hall. I look back, seeing him up and dashing towards me. He was gaining me fast and I needed to do something before he catches me. 

This stupid mansion wasn't helping either, I took many twists and turns. Until I randomly opened a door and went inside a room. Resting my head against the door, I hold my hand over my mouth to stop my giggles from becoming laughter. 

I look up and my heart stops. 

Annika, you're so dumb. 

Matteo was standing in front of me in his suit looking hot as ever as he watches me. I give him an awkward smile. "gattina," his thick Italian voice, knocking me out of my trance. I shake my head realising he probably caught me checking him out and I blushed. I look up and see he is smirking. 

"Annika, I swear I will find you and it will be your end!" I jump, I forgot about him.

Matteo raised a brow, he went to talk but I quickly ran over and covered his mouth as I stood on my tippy toes. "Please don't say anything. He's gonna find me," I look into his eyes and that's when I recognised the stupid position I put myself in. 

Quickly I pull away. "umm sorry" there was a knock on the door and I knew it was Diego. Hiding behind his massive bed, I beg him with my eyes. The door opens and I hold my breath to stop my laughter from giving me away. "Is Annika----" 

"Get the fuck out!" 

"Sorry boss" Diego walks out closing the door and I burst out with laughter, the look on his face. I should've taken a picture, it would be a perfect way to bully him. I stand up and realise Matteo was observing me. 

I'm such an embarrassment.

He was smirking but it quickly disappeared. Why can't he be human for once? 

My eyes land on his tie and before I knew it, I made my way to him. It was like my body had a mind of its own. Gently I started to tie it up for him as he looked down at me. He pulls me closer to his chest and I can feel my heartbeat slowly accelerate. "Where did you learn to do this," I smile at the cute memory that flooded me. 

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