The human vendor watched the event with amusement, raising an eyebrow as Vader placed several peggats on the table, "I believe this shall cover it?" Vader asked knowingly. The human decided to pretend like he never saw how several objects had flown into Vader's palm from the direction of the street fight, nodding as he let the Sith collect his goods.

"Pleasure doing business with you."


"You are fortunate that no one has crashed into the settlement after purchasing such mistreated and broken equipment," Vader commented dryly, his inner mechanic insulted from one parsec to another over these scam of a shop.

"I told you, for the last time, it's not broken!" The Klatooinian shop owner argued rather vehemently, despite sweating nervously. This customer was very...intimidating.

"Saying a lie repeatedly won't change the truth, no matter how loudly you proclaim it," Vader retorted with an eye roll, resisting the urge to force choke the fraud. He wasn't sure why, really. Maybe he just didn't want his first force choke in this timeline to be wasted on a lying vendor.

"Look you snarky tourist, if you're just going to insult my business-"

Tempting, though.


"Hey, buddy, I think you're in the wrong place," A purple Elomin, missing half her horns, warned as they sat at a rather expensive bar, attended only by some of the richer folks in Mos Espa. Interestingly, it had a strangely wide door.

"I would rather be on any world else, save one," Vader agreed neutrally. He didn't like bars in general, but at least the high class ones made the effort of trying to look like civilized businesses rather than the cesspools he usually thought of them as.

"No, I mean this bar. This is where Jabba's bounty hunters hang out after a good payday- which is today," She forewarned, "They don't take fondly to...other patrons when their around."

"Words of experience?" He asked, glancing at her broken horns without moving his head.

"...Something like that," She answered with a sigh as she got up to leave, "Don't say I didn't warn you."


Jabba the Hutt would normally be annoyed at seeing his henchmen thrown out of a bar like children, but this was not normally. In truth, he was actually a bit relieved. He paid good money to keep this place in good shape and have a Hutt-friendly booth, not a common feature in a galaxy filled with mainly bipedal sentience. Not to mention they knew how to fix some of his favorite beverages just right.

Yet for some reason, his underlings got the horrid idea he'd want them at the same bar as him. In truth, he had intended on this being a place for a little peace and quiet for him. And from experience, telling your grunts to scram wasn't a good idea- that always seemed to be the moment a crime lord needs them in the most criminal underworld.

Accompanied by two guards, in case anyone got annoyingly stupid, he moved his way into the establishment...

He was honestly amused to see a black clothed humanoid, with a skull-like mask, sitting at a booth with the Bith barkeeper collecting several blasters as payment for a drink. Jabba was considering hiring him if he could steal all those blasters off those common thugs. Common thugs he might be overpaying, by the looks of things.

Though, how the stranger drunk that drink without removing the mask, he didn't know.

After all, Vader wasn't about to advertise he had a retractable straw in his mouthpiece.

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooWhere stories live. Discover now