Chapter 13: The return

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Aquila knocked softly on Lucius' bedroom door. She fidgeted anxiously while pondering on how their conversation could go. The girl really wanted to go and see Pansy and some of her old friends, she was a grown adult who could take her own decisions. But right now, she felt like a kid asking their parent for permission.

This whole situation reminded her of the very reason that she moved out. The caring nature of her family never allowed her to be completely free and do whatever she wanted, and now, she was back at square one, except, of course, the fact that Lucius didn't care about her, he merely treated her like a possession.

The door was swung open, revealing the dishevelled figure of Mr. Malfoy who analysed Aquila from head to toes with a stern look on his face. He looked annoyed which made Aquila reconsider asking him.

The girl opened her mouth to speak, but closed it back, shut.

His fingers went underneath her chin, lifting her head so she could look into his captivating eyes. "Look at me." He whispered.

Aquila sucked in a breath.

"Yes, you may go." He dropped the hand that held her chin. The man felt a bit disappointed at her fear towards him. She couldn't even ask him a simple question, making him use his legilimens to get her thoughts out. It was invasive and he hated using it, but this evening, his patience ran out. The man was beyond stressed, considering the upcoming meeting that he had to attend.


"You shouldn't be afraid to ask me anything, Aquila." He used his calming tone. "I know at times I can be harsh with you, but I mean you no harm."

He actually felt his heart dropping at the thought that she was scared of him. Of course, he expected her to not trust him yet, but he never thought she would be this fearful. What the fuck is this, Lucius? Get yourself together.

Aquila nodded, slowly.

"But you are not allowed to drink much, you have to be responsible." He added.

"I promise." She whispered, still feeling weak from his gaze. The girl swore that she could see a flash of a different emotion passing through his eyes, but it was gone in a second.

Without another word, she turned around and went to her room to pick a good outfit.


Aquila walked through the foyer of the Parkinson Mansion and into the dining hall which seemed redecorated. The dining table was settled next to the huge windows, having all sorts of food and drinks on it, mostly alcohol, on the opposite wall there were armchairs and couches for people to sit down and have drinks or simply chat. The lights were colourful, changing from green, to red, to blue and to yellow.

The girl chuckled. Pansy really thought about making the led lights the colours of all four houses.

The music was loud and you could barely hear anything over it. Only the voices of the people when you passed by and caught a few words of some spicy gossips.

She passed by three girls, holding plastic cups in which they had a strong smelling alcohol that she recognised as being Jaggermeister. It was a muggle drink that she despised after she got drunk on it in the 6th year and threw up almost all night after a Slytherin party.

"Aquila!" Blaise caught her off guard and pulled her into his side by her shoulders. She yelped, making him chuckle. "I was waiting to see you around!" He said, excitedly.

The girl rolled her eyes, smiling. "How could I miss the chance on living again the Hogwarts life?" She said, referring to the party nights that they used to have.

"Yeah, I thought you wouldn't. Hey, I bought you a jelly shot." He handed her a small glass. The content inside it had a red colour and jiggled whenever she moved her hand. "It has cranberry juice, in case you wanna get hot and steamy with someone tonight."

Aquila lightly punched his chest. "Cheers." She raised her shot and so did Blaise with his beer. She took the jelly in her mouth and chewed it, making a disgusted face.

"I can't even feel the cranberry flavour." She coughed.

"Pansy made them. You know she prefers the taste of raw alcohol." Blaise chuckled while taking another sip from his drink. Aquila noticed behind him a bunch of people dancing and some others drinking and playing strip poker.

"I will go and find Draco. See ya around." Blaise bent forward and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek before going the opposite way. Anxiety settled in when she realised that Draco was also at the party. Of course he would be, but she hoped it wasn't the case.

The things used to be a bit bumpy in their relationship before they ended it on bad terms. She hasn't seen or spoken to him ever since and the thought of seeing him now, unsettled her. Would he play it cool? Knowing him, most likely not and he would insult her with any chance. As he said before they ended the relationship "she was a worthless Weasley anyway".

In a corner, she noticed Pansy talking to a guy but she didn't want to interrupt so she went to the table to grab another shot. This time, she went for raw alcohol. Yes, Lucius told her to not drink much and she should respect his demand under the contract's rules. But fuck that, she will take a nap and be brand new when she goes back home. The alcohol was much needed to deal with his arrogant prick of a son.


Lucius walked into the dining hall where everyone was present, including Pansy's parents. They all waited patiently, being seated at the long table and having their fingers intertwined. All eyes moved on the Malfoy as soon as he made his presence known.

They followed every step and movement.

The man kept his head high, his back straight and his posture, imposing. He was being followed closely behind by Severus Snape who also took a seat at the table.

Lucius pulled the chair at the head of the table and sat down. This very spot sent shivers down his spine as he remembered the cold look of Voldemort targeting him from that very spot. It seemed long ago but it only passed one year. One year in which he expected things to go back to normal, but it only made everything worse. He had nothing else to lose, or so he thought...

He cleared his throat and placed his wand on the table. Everyone's look shot in that way, being surprised that it was still intact after Voldemort snapped it in half.

"Welcome back, Death Eaters."

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