Chapter 6: Sugar baby

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The next day, Aquila woke up with her wrists hurting. She shot up from the bed and hissed in pain while caressing her overly bruised wrists. Lucius' grip was so strong that they turned a deep shade of purple that wasn't complementing her ivory skin.

She looked around the room and noticed that some rays of sun peeked through the thick curtains that were pulled close. Today was the day when Lucius would be gone for most of the day so she could enjoy some alone time or maybe, doing some shopping. There were a lot of stuff that she needed and he didn't provide so the girl decided to take the matter in her own hands.

She thought about going in the muggle world. That world always intrigued her, although she would never admit it to Lucius. The girl knew how much he hated muggles and how inferior he considered them, and to a degree, she would lie if she said she didn't agree with him. They were so helpless without magic. They only had technology but that wasn't something that magic couldn't stop, there were limits everywhere to what they can do.

Her best friend, Pansy, who was only three years younger than her, also became intrigued in the muggle world and kind of wanted to see how it is. Although her parents were like Lucius, she managed to break through the toxic mentality. Even more than Aquila, she found herself empathising with the muggles to a certain degree.

Aquila got dressed in a midi skirt with leopard print, a spaghetti strap, white crop top and a black blazer over it. The outfit was simple and it would help her blend it. She also grabbed her wallet, and her cell phone. Those were the two objects that she only used in the muggle word. It was never in her interest to use them, but they were necessary out there. She checked if her wallet had her fake passport, fake id, and fake driver license. There were also a few lire, muggle money, but now that she had Lucius' allowance, she could exchange more.

The girl went outside and apparated in the nearby of the Parkinson manor. She knocked twice on their door and waited for the house elf to open the door. From behind the house elf, Pansy looked at Aquila with a mug on her hands, a smile spreading across her face.

"Hey stranger!" She laughed.

"Pansy!" Aquila embraced Pansy in a hug, taking her aback and making her giggle. "I've missed you." She looked at her lovingly after pulling back.

"Yeah, me too. I thought about you just yesterday." She grinned at her.

"Well, I came to take you out, girl." Aquila pointed her wand at Pansy who stepped aside, allowing her friend to enter and join her in her own bedroom. They walked through the corridors that were decorated with marble statues, paintings and gold.

Pansy laughed. "Do you have anything in mind?" She questioned after entering her room with Aquila and shutting the door behind.

"Yes, I do." Aquila took out her wallet and phone and threw them on Pansy's bed. The black market in the wizarding world had anything you could hope for and so, it wasn't hard for Aquila to get her hands on fake documents and muggle items. Pansy's eyes sparked in excitement.

"No way! You wanna go?" She jumped happily, like a kid.

"If you're up and still have your fake everything." Aquila crocked an eyebrow and smirked at her friend who was overjoyed. Pansy turned around and opened the doors of her wardrobe, bending down and grabbing a tiny purple box that was stuffed behind a pile of clothes. Aquila rolled her eyes at the mess. Typical Pansy.

"I have it right here!" She tore the lid open and grabbed her own fake id and passport. "Although the driver license is expired." She pouted cutely.

"I'll drive if you keep your wand on guard so we don't crash into anything." Aquila suggested. Neither of them ever drove a muggle car so they didn't know how it would be, but Aquila remembered driving her father's enchanted car several times and pissing him off.

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