Chapter 3: The life she craves

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Aquila walked through the gates of the Malfoy Manor that opened slowly, revealing a straight and narrow road leading to the front door. It was still raining and she pulled her coat tighter around herself. Her hair was drenched and she felt cold, but she wouldn't complain. The rain was her favourite.

Thorny bushes were on each side as she started to walk. A loud cling was heard behind her when the gates closed, leaving her trapped. Now it was too late to turn back. The rain hit the windows violently and the thunder boomed like it was next to her. The Mansion looked terrifying with all it's dark colours and threatening aura. After all, this was the place where the Death Eater meetings happened, this is where Harry, Hermione and Ron were held hostages. This is where her former muggle studies professor was killed. The whole building was soaked in blood and darkness but she chose to think about what- or better said, who was behind those walls.

It was pretty obvious to her that whatever he had to propose to her won't be pleasant. At least, not in the long run. He pretty much specified that he wanted her to his feet but would she really want this for herself? The anxiety within herself screamed that it's a bad idea, that she can get where she wants without his help but she knew that it would be hard. This was the easy way. Who knows when she will achieve her dreams, it could be when she turns sixteen and what use will money have then? The girl wanted to live her youth to the fullest.

With sweaty palms and shaky fingers, the girl knocked on the massive, wooden door. Her heart started beating faster and her breathing accelerated.

A house elf opened the door and invited her in, offering to take her coat. She gladly gave it to the small and cute elf who disappeared down the hallway but returned soon enough.

Aquila sneezed.

"Mr. Malfoy is expecting me." She smiled down at the elf. He nodded.

"Mr. Malfoy is in his study. Let me lead you there." The elf motioned towards the stairs. She followed his tiny figure and started climbing the stairs. From the outside, she observed that the house had two floors and she found herself wondering how many rooms were there and how they never got lost in this house.

She caressed the stair railing that was made of mahogany and looked up at the paintings hanging on the wall. One of them had an old man who looked similar to Lucius. She assumed it was her father, Abraxas. A chill ran down her spine as he looked far more terrifying than his son. There was another picture of Lucius, Narcissa and little Draco. Narcissa was sitting on a chair, holding Draco to her chest, smiling, while Lucius looked straight ahead, his chin being held high and a serious expression on his face.

The hallway was long and dark, with barely any source of light, except for the occasional candles. The elf pushed a door open.

"Sir, a visitor came." He bowed respectfully.

Aquila stepped into what was, Lucius' study, and noticed that he had his back turned to her, with his hands behind it. He was looking outside the window, how the rain poured down, melancholically. "You can return to your work." He adressed the elf who just nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Lucius stood there, unmoving, looking at his own reflection. Aquila rubbed her arms awkwardly to create heat. "Miss Weasley, I presume you already gave a thought to my suggestion, am I correct?" He spoke carefully.

"I'm not quite sure I understood what you actually meant." She played dumb, thinking it may gain her some time in case that she wants to change her mind. Lucius smirked, turning to face her.

"I'm quite sure you did. But you want to hear it from me." Her eyes fixed on his. Such bright and colourful eyes that seemed to pull you in. Aquila swallowed the lump in her throat.

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