Chapter 15: Regrets

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Aquila's smile faded slowly upon hearing the name that came out of Pansy's lips. At first, it seemed like her ears played tricks on her, but the more she pondered upon how it sounded, the more she realized that she heard his name correctly. With all her power, the girl looked down at her lap, sheltering her eyes that flashed with different emotions, she could not risk letting it betray her. 

"My father? Is this a joke?" Draco's chest vibrated against her back, sounding like he was frustrated and unsatisfied with her answer.

Blaise snorted.

"Oh, stop being a pussy, Malfoy, it's not like I would shag him or anything." she raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. 

"That would be truly disgusting, Parkinson." he placed his chin on Aquila's shoulder, trying to forget that the discussion even happened. 

"My cup is empty, do you guys want a drink?" Cedric stood up and offered kindly.

Adrian waved his hand while Pansy handed him her cup whispering a "surprise me".

"Can we talk?" Draco murmured into Aquila's ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"About what?" she turned her head briefly to the side, feeling his nose rub against her neck.

"Come with me." he placed both hands on her hips, lifting her off his lap so he could get up on his feet. The blond boy offered her hand like a gentleman, which she took gladly to help herself get off the floor. Pansy looked between the two of them, smirking proudly and winking subtly at her orange haired best friend. 

Aquila just rolled her eyes at her and mouthed a "shut up".

Draco grabbed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers, giving a sense of security. Sparkles erupted from his skin, tingling her own. It was so obvious that between the two of them was still some sort of chemistry and tension and she was sure that he felt it too.

He dragged her through the pool of people, passing by Theodore Nott who raised a questioning eyebrow at Aquila while sipping from his fire whiskey. Theo used to be in love with Aquila while she had her relationship with Draco and managed to confess his feelings after the two of them broke up. Although Aquila considered dating him, she was too heartbroken to deal with another relationship.

On the stairs that led to the first floor were several couples making out and a dude laying down on his side, with his head resting on the last stair. Aquila stepped over him, being careful to not wake him up, while Draco just mindlessly stepped on the poor guy's hand, not having a single care in the world.

When he found an empty bedroom, which happened to be Pansy's, he let Aquila step in first.

Draco turned around, closing the door behind them and locking it, making Aquila turn around in an instant. She looked at him with wide eyes. "Calm down, I just want to talk." She relaxed slightly at his words, trying to get rid of the tension she felt in her muscles. 

The young Malfoy went to the bookshelf and analyzed the titles of the books that Pansy had in her collection. He remembered briefly about his affair with his Slytherin colleague before he got interested in the Weasley girl. And now, he was still frustrated with himself that he wasn't able to get over it. Sleeping around only made it worse as he found out that no girl he held felt and smelled like the orange haired girl, not even the ones who gave him mind blowing sex. It's been six months in which he tried to take his mind off by using alcohol and drugs, stuff that made the time pass faster but all of it was useless. She was more addictive than any drug, and now, being in her presence, intensified all his senses and it took everything within himself to not rip her clothes off right on the spot. 

He inhaled deeply and tried to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry." he admitted with pain in his heart.

"For what?" Aquila asked, confused. 

"About the way I've treated you after our break up." he ran his fingers across the books, avoiding looking into her eyes. He was no good at showing emotions and after his mother's death, he only pushed the emotions even further from himself.

"Yeah, that was pretty bad." Aquila admitted, making him suck in a breath.

"I know I've acted like a dick, Aquila. But I couldn't stop thinking about you either way." he confessed with his hands trembling by his side.

"I've waited for you, Draco. I've waited for you to come back to me. I've been to your father's trial, hoping to see you there and talk to you, to get closure even though you've treated me like dirt." Aquila sighed and sat down on the bed, crossing her legs.

Draco turned his head to the side, watching her over his shoulder. The music was still booming downstairs, shaking the whole house.

He pushed his hair back, sighing. With long strides, he was in front of her, placing two fingers under her chin and lifting her head so she could look up, into his eyes. Her deer like eyes never failed to make his knees weak and bring him to her feet, but this time, this is exactly what he did. He fell down on his knees in front of her, placing his hands on her calves. His head slowly rested on her lap while her fingers went through his blond hair, caressing it. It was a habit of hers. When they were together and he had a bad day, he used to rest his head on her breasts and she would caress his hair gently. 

His eyes were fixed on the night stand next to the bed. 

"The thing is... I can't give you what you want. I can't give you my heart again because In moved on." she continued.

He squeezed his eyes shut like it hurt to hear her words.

"You found someone else." he stated, instead of asking. 

"Yes..." Aquila gulped.

"Do you love him?" 

"It doesn't matter, I don't think he would love me anyway." she chuckled, bitterly.

"Then he doesn't deserve you." his words came like a dagger in her heart. 

She knew that Lucius didn't deserve her, she knew that she was better than a former Death Eater, and even though she did not love him, she could feel the way her heart was beating whenever his blue eyes stared into her hazel ones, making her drown in his gaze. It wasn't the fairytale she hoped for, but the way he made her feel things this intense, made her addicted. It was funny, though, she swore to never get attached to someone like Draco ever again and somehow, she ended up in a situation with someone worse than him. 

He rubbed her calves, creating heat to her skin. "All I keep dreaming is your red hair and it drives me nuts." he sighed. "That's the price I pay for being a shitty boyfriend." 

"I understand why you were like that with everything that happened. I know you have potential to be a better person." her hand went to his cheek, caressing it. 

He kissed her thigh, making her shiver. 

He got back up on his legs, straightening his blazer. "Shall we go back to the party?" he offered her his hand, like nothing happened. He didn't want to show his vulnerability anymore, it was enough for one night and frankly, he didn't think that gaining pity would bring her back.

"I think I'll just stay here til the next morning." she chuckled. "I want to help Pansy cleaning everything up before her parents come back home, in the morning."

"Weird. Blaise's parents are also gone until the morning." he wrinkled his nose. "Well, it was nice seeing you." he bent forward, giving her a peck on the cheek. 

He pulled back, stopping in his tracks while holding her intense gaze. 

Without thinking, Aquila tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him to her lips, kissing him furiously.

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