Chapter 4: Good girl

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Aquila packed several basic things that she knew she totally would need. There was no need to take many things because the contract she signed with Lucius stated that he will provide her everything she needs besides monetary compensation. It was also stated that she will have to stay at the Manor so she can be available whenever Lucius demands. Giving up her career was also a big change that she wasn't ready for, but the thought of having everything she wants, made her reconsider. How often could a girl say that she got a hot, rich and powerful sugar daddy that wasn't even that old? Most girls ended up with ugly and 100 years old men and only the thought of fucking someone like that, made her gag.

She grabbed her cat, Miso, and her bag, going outside her home so she can apparate. The girl will miss this small and quiet place, but the imposing Manor was what she was looking forward to.

Miso meowed right before she apparated in the nearby of her new home. It was just as dark and gloomy as she remembered and it still sent shivers down her spine. Hopefully, she will get used to it and will learn how to use it as her own house, because that's what Lucius said, she can use the house and the elves however she pleases, she has full authority.

Going over the narrow path, through the gates, Miso hissed angrily. Of course she didn't like it here, she didn't like Lucius either, but Aquila couldn't leave her alone or give her to someone else. It was her most precious thing so far.

The door was opened by the elf, just like the first time she was here. The dark aura of the house still overwhelmed her. All the paintings looked down at her like they were mocking her, like she was less than them and didn't deserve to be there. She passed by the dinning hall where she knew that the Death Eaters meetings took place. A shiver ran down her spine only by imagining Voldemort seated at that table where she will have her dinner from now on. The elf led her up the staircase in the left wing of the house, through another long hallway. A long and dark green carpet covered the floor and on each side were heavy doors made of mahogany. The walls had also plenty of paintings and candles that gave the house a sinister feeling. The diamond chandeliers didn't make it better.

On her right, the elf pushed open a door and let her in. "Mister Malfoy said this should be your room. His own room is three doors down the hallway, opposite side. He hopes you will like the room and enjoy your stay." And with that, the elf disapparated, leaving her confused.

"Alright, Miso." She set her cat down. The cat took hesitant steps, sniffing around the new place. Aquila set down her bag and walked through the room. There was a King sized bed with canopy and silk black sheets, a fireplace, an abstract and dark painting hung above it with candles on each side, a wardrobe, crystal chandelier hung from above, a beauty corner with a table, a mirror and a small seat, a bookcase and an english dark green sofa next to it with a small coffee table in front of it. The door in the room led to a spacious bathroom which had the bathtub in the middle, mirrors taking a whole wall with a long sink in front of it, and the toilet somewhere, in the corner. There was also a shower cabin and a small closet with towels and everything she needed. On the counter, was a clear vase with freshly cut deep, red roses. The small details were perfect and she totally loved them.

The girl returned to the room and opened the wardrobe, only to reveal numerous clothing articles with the tags still on. She looked at the size and it was exactly her size. She grinned happily and closed the doors.

"This is gonna be the best thing." She squealed in excitement.

The girl left her room, looking for Lucius so she can thank him properly. Aquila walked towards the room where she knew he was but on her way there, she saw the door opening and from inside, stepped two tall girls wearing heels and short dresses. Unlike her, they were curvy in all the right places and radiated sex appeal. One of them laughed loudly. They passed by her like she wasn't even there, heading for the stairs.

Lucius exited the room as well, closing the door behind him and noticing Aquila. "Miss Weasley, what a delight." He smirked.

Aquila bit her lower lip and avoided his gaze. "I wanted to thank you for the room. It looks exquisite and it preceded my expectations." He stopped in front of her, making her raise her head to look into his eyes because of the height difference.

"I'm glad you like it, princess." He gently grabbed her jaw, letting his thumb linger on her lips, caressing them and drawing the contour. Aquila felt her stomach doing a flip at his words.

Lucius pressed his finger on her lower lip, making her open her mouth slightly. He pushed his finger inside her mouth, making her wrap her lips around it. "That's a good girl." He whispered, making her legs turn into jelly. The man pulled his finger back and bent forward to kiss her gently but with passion at the same time.

"I have some work to do this evening, but I need your time tomorrow. Are we clear, pet?" He moved his mouth to her jawline, kissing her. Aquila felt like she couldn't find her words, he was simply intoxicating.

"I asked you a question." He stopped kissing her, with his lips on the skin of her neck. She gulped, but nodded, making him smirk against her skin. His hand went to her skirt, lifting it while his fingers caressed the pale skin of her thigh. Her instinct was to clench her thighs, but she fought the urge.

His fingertips roamed even more, reaching her panties. His whole hand slipped between her legs, caressing the wet panties that she wore. "I barely touched you and you are already so wet for me. Naughty girl." Me murmured on her skin, sending vibrations in her whole body. She let her head fall back, closing her eyes and moaning while his finger settled at her entrance, through her underwear.

"I will hear you begging for it, squirming and pleading. I will make you do anything for my touch." He licked her neck, making her tremble in pleasure. She was so horny that she could barely contain it and his cologne didn't help either as it radiated sex appeal. The girl dug her nails in his shoulder, through the thick layers of his clothes.

"Your parents wouldn't be so proud if they knew what a little slut they raised. A pretty slut that will do anything I want." He bit her sensitive skin slightly, making her arch her back and push her chest against his. The friction of her boobs against him made his cock twitch, although he just emptied himself several minutes ago. Only the thought of fucking her senseless over and over again til she complains about it hurting, turned him on so much. There were so many things he wanted to try with her and put her through, to test her limits, to leave her a whimpering mess.

"Sir, please-"

"Please, what?" He pushed his thumb on he clothed clitoris, making her moan.

"Please, put your fingers inside me." She whined like a spoiled girl.

He hummed like he was contemplating. "I told you I'm busy tonight, kitten." He drew his fingers back. "But if you are a good girl, I promise you will have all my attention tomorrow. Understood?" He raised an eyebrow at her, like he was talking to a bratty child.

Aquila swallowed her own saliva. "Yes, Sir."

"Good, good. Now, you can enjoy everything this house has to offer, just don't overstep and go into Draco's room or mine and Narcissa's bedroom." She saw a flash of emotions crossing his eyes when he mentioned her name, which made her stomach drop.

"Yes, I understand."she answered like she was the most submissive girl.

"I will expect you tomorrow morning at breakfast in the hall. Wear something revealing for daddy, kitten." He pinched her cheek cutely then left her standing there.

What have I gotten myself into?

He was so different from Draco. She remembers from when she dated the younger Malfoy, he was a pissy brat that used his name to get what he wants. Totally different than his father, who used his charm. Draco was never able to make her this excited only from a mere touch, he was a child who had to be taught but she didn't doubt that Lucius was pretty skilled. After all, he did something right to keep Narcissa with him all these years. It wasn't his good personality, for sure.

She returned to her room and went to take a well deserved bath while pampering herself with the most expensive moisturizers, scrubs and shower gels.


For future reference: Lucius is lowkey a misogynist in this one. And pretty conservative but he's only holding the others to this standard, not himself. Sooo, a hypocrite.

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