As Mono walked down the hall, making for the cafeteria, a feeling of horror and dread clung to him, it's only hunger... He thought, why was he so afraid of that? Where was it all coming from...? He remembered something. Something terrible that happened before but never actually did. Yet another one of those so-called distant memories. Maybe it was just the sense of Deja vu, or maybe he was losing his mind.

Six sat there sweating freely. Her bandages felt like hell now, heavy and burning. She ran a hand through her hair and rocked back and forth, trying to soothe that cursed hunger. She tried everything, rubbing her knuckles, tugging the collar of her blue sweater, pressing around her waist, and picking at her bandages. It did her little good. Her stomach growled in defiance. The feeling was unbearable. It was as if something had punctured her and formed a great chasm in her stomach, and days of ceaseless eating wouldn't satiate her. 

A growl came again, and Six gritted her teeth, pressing hard against her belly. She fought it, and soon enough, she began humming the tune over and over to drown out all thoughts of her hunger. Half humming, half crying. It used to be the only thing in this world that could soothe her, but now it was just a flimsy shield. She wished he hadn't left her like this. Now more than ever, she wished for a hand to hold, for someone to tell her it will be alright, but in the back of her head, she knew all of that was just impossible... she was afraid... fear gripped her heart with its icy hands, I wish you were here...

She got up, and left the corner, and started pacing around the room in hopes she could get her mind off her. But eventually, she would sink to the floor from exhaustion, and all she could think of is her stomach. Before long, temptation took over, and her ears began to ring. That thing loomed over her, so close that it was breathing down her neck. Six couldn't look at it. She'd sooner gouge out her eyes than catch a glimpse of it. 

The shadowy figure bent down and placed its hands on its knees, smirking. "Hello again... It's been a while," it said with a grating voice. Six lowered her head and covered it with her hands. Her teeth began to chatter the moment she heard that voice. "You really thought you could just escape me?" 

"Please... not again."

"You can't hide from the truth, little one... run away all you want... put as much distance from it as you like. In the end, it will always end the same way."

"Get out of my head... leave me alone..."

"You cannot change..." Tears flowed freely from Six's eyes. She tugged at her hair and started whimpering. "There is one unavoidable truth you can never escape... you will always be-"

"Stop! Just stop! Please..." 

"A monster," it said, then came a bright flash from the window followed by the low roaring of thunder. Six snarled and leaped at it, reaching for its throat, but the shadow was already gone. The ringing left her ears, and now the only sound left was the soft pit-pat of tiny rain droplets against the window. 

Six struggled up and wiped away the tears from her face, her stomach aching horribly. She crossed the room, and made for the window, and saw that the clouds in the inky night sky flashing brightly now and then. Soon enough, the first almighty crack of thunder hit her eardrums like a hammer. Next came the rustling and panting coming from the other side of the door.

MONO! She thought as the doorknob twisted on its own and started swinging open. He's back! She was going to be okay! 

As soon as he bolted into the room, her features twisted in despair as she saw that he had availed nothing. He had failed to find food...

Mono placed his back against the door and pushed it closed, his feet slipping against the floor as he did. He was out of breath and clearly sweating. Fear had its grip, Six saw. The door clicked closed and locked itself. He looked around in panic, then he found her in the middle of the room, "SIX! CHANGE OF PLANS!" He screamed. 

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