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"Oh yes! This is perfect '' Alice stepped back and admired her handiwork. All day she had been decorating her flat for Katie's birthday with the help of Mason.

"Babe, you are really good at this," Mason was surprised at how Alice was able to transform her ordinary living room into a party haven with banners, balloons and streamers everywhere. Alice had been singing along to Mason's music which had been on shuffle while they decorated, and was a little bit shocked when she immediately recognized the first few bars of the next song.

"Is this what I think it is?" Laughed Alice, as Mason looked a little embarrassed,

"Maybe" he said quietly "It's not my fault the songs are really catchy, and they always remind me of you." He pulled the girl in and kissed her.

"I love you so much Mase"

"I love you more." He then broke away from her tight embrace and began belting out the chorus to 'Do you Hear the People Sing' which made Alice burst out laughing, her heart full of love as she watched the man who meant the world to her sing a song that meant so much to her.

The party was in full swing with Katie and Dan being the last to arrive. The group were enjoying plenty of food and drinks, as well as all dancing around the living room. Alice had hired a karaoke machine so everyone was having a turn on that with Katie and Dan winding Alice up by doing the Les Mis 'Little Fall of Rain' duet and both of them completely overacting it causing everyone to laugh.

"I can't believe there are footballers at my girlfriend's birthday!" Dan came running up to Alice, evidently a little tipsy. She had decided to invite Leah and Tammy as she had become really close with Leah and knew Katie would love her, and extending the invite to Tammy was so Dan could have a fangirl moment.

"Bloody hell your friends know how to party." Mason hugged Alice from behind making feel so warm and fuzzy inside. He kissed her neck lovingly causing Alice to lean back into him laughing. Katie subtly was snapping photos of the pair, as she knew her best friend was such a sentimental person before shouting out

"I'M SO HAPPY MY BESTIE IS HAPPY. TREAT HER WELL MASON! For ages she's been the biggest third wheel with Dan and I and now she has an amazing boyfriend, and I couldn't think of anyone who deserves it more! Plus she throws amazing parties, TO ALICE!" The group raised their glasses,

"I get to sleep with her guys, so I win!" Mason kissed his girl again who was giggling at Mason's bold statement to the group.

Alice had made Katie a cake, and as she blew her candles out and they all sang to her she took Alice's hand and said

"I really meant it earlier when I said I couldn't think of anyone more deserving of an amazing boyfriend. I see the way he looks at you, and you at him. You guys have something really special, I can tell. Oh and thanks for the best birthday ever." She kissed her best friend on the cheek before cutting the cake for everyone to have.

The Show Must Go On [Mason Mount]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant