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The sun rose over Cobham training ground, and there was an aura of happiness around the building. Chelsea's first team were sitting in a meeting room about to meet with Tuchel after last night's success. Thomas enters the room holding the large trophy in arms like a child causing an uproar of noise from the boys who were all very much still riding off their high from their victory. Once they had all finally calmed down, and Chilly had been put back down by Tammy, Thomas said; "First of all I would like to again congratulate your efforts, and how that hard work paid off into a deserving win. I know you all worked incredibly hard this season on and off the pitch so I thought I would treat you all to a little surprise this evening. Its safe to say you boys know a lot about football, however I feel that as your manager it is my responsibility to broaden your cultural horizons so I am taking you all to the theatre tonight to see 'Les Miserables' on the West End. The team stared back at him dumbfounded as they wondered what on earth was going through the Gaffers mind to make him decide that going to the theatre was a good idea. The silence was broken by Tammy saying "nahhhh the Gaffers actually taking the piss with this one" however this was soon deflected by Chilly stating "I love a good musical, I do. Tuchel soon shut down any confused or angry reactions by saying "I think you will all surprise yourselves at how much you like it, plus we have seats in the royal box in the theatre. Oh and we can go to McDonalds on the way to the theatre". This definitely reassured a few of the skeptical glances coming from the boys, especially the last statement as they had all been on a strict diet throughout the season.

Alice and Rob were struggling as usual to keep a straight face as they were all stretching at physical and vocal. The entire cast was congregated on the stage as they all produced a rather unattractive sound doing sirens and lip trills to get their voices activated. Once they were warm and ready to get into costume; Ian gathered everyone's attention. "As I mentioned yesterday I have a special announcement regarding today's evening performance; we have the players from Chelsea football club's first team watching in the royal box following their Champions League success. We will also be giving them a backstage tour and meetup so please return to the stage after the show once you are all out of costume etc. Break a Leg!" Hearing there would be famous faces in the crowd did not really fase Alice as this was quite a regular occurrence when you are in such an iconic West End show, despite this she couldn't help be a little excited, and she shared that information with Rob who immediately started laughing, Alice jumping to her own defense saying " I'm sorry but a few young footballers is a bit more exciting than some random middle aged TV veteran that nobody has heard of!", "I suppose you do have a point" he replied, turning into his dressing room to transform into Marius, meanwhile Alice had already begun smearing 'mud' on her arms in order for her to become Eponine.

Alice stepped out on stage ready to perform Eponine's iconic solo number 'On My Own', there was something about the way that she sang every lyric like she truly felt every ounce of Eponine's heartbreak that meant that every member of the audience was captivated by her performance. Somehow even after singing that song 8 times a week, it never gets old for Alice as she has to always pinch herself that she is performing her childhood dream role. A single tear rolls down her cheek as she sings the last line "I love him, but only on my own..." and many audience members' eyes were also wet with emotion including a few of the Chelsea boys. "Wow" Mason Mount whispers to Chilly as he blinks away the tears he had allowed to well in the corner of his eye. Soon the number 'A Little Fall of Rain' was performed by Alice and Rob, and there was not a dry eye in the building as Eponine died gracefully in Marius' arms; and Alice always found that to be the most poignant moment of the show. 

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