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Sat with Rob in her dressing room, Alice was discussing the latest episode of 'Made in Chelsea' with him. Their love for reality TV meant the pair always had something to discuss, and they rarely went a day without dropping random quotes from their favourite shows into conversation. Alice's phone which was lying face up on the table by Rob suddenly flashed with a message: 'How about dinner tomorrow night, i will pick you up at 7. M x' "Excuse me Alice i appear to have missed a few chapters!" Rob exclaimed before Alice had a chance to explain herself. Alice then revealed to Rob about how Mason had sublty given her his number after the show two days ago, and that they had been texting a here and then over the past 48 hours leading Mason to ask her out on a date that morning. "ALICE! You're going on a date with the fittest guy in the world, get it bestie!" Rob shouted jumping up and down.

"ROB i'm shitting myself and you are not helping!" Alice replied laughing.

"Oh my god thank fuck you came" Alice sighed as she pulled her best friend Katie into a hug.

"Why do you need to do that?" asked Alice,

"Because I may or may not have told him that you're going out with a footballer and he begged me to get him to meet you guys so this was the best I could come up with" replied Katie chuckling. "Just don't embarrass me, ok I really like this guy!" The girls were really laughing as Dan walked through the door giving Katie a quick kiss before turning to Alice "You look great, and I can't believe I'm going to meet Mason Mount!"

"You better be on your best behavior" said Katie, "Just please act casual."

"Maybe we should sit on the sofa, as I'm not sure all three of us standing by the front door will come across as very 'casual' when Mason comes."

About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang and Alice gingerly pulled on the door to open it.

"Hey Alice, you look beautiful." Mason said after giving her a warm smile.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" smiled Alice, "by the way this is Katie and Dan, my best friends." Alice gestured towards the couple cuddling on the sofa, Katie greeted Mason however Dan looked a little too starstruck to even open his mouth.

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