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THE SUMMER rain graced the grounds of Bruinville today. Grey clouds blanketed the blue skies. It was 2 PM, although it looked like the sun was about to set. Kate looked out the window, gazing at the cars as they drove by.

    "Blue Camry," she whispered, picking at the corner of her index finger.

    When that didn't suffice the finger rose to her mouth and her teeth caught the hangnail. She didn't wince when she pulled it off her finger, instead, she chewed on the skin for a bit before swallowing it. Kate sucked on her finger as the tingly feeling settled in. There was no need to look down, she knew she was bleeding. Blood was nothing to her anymore. It was in humans so they could shed it.

As much as she tried to get lost in the sea of cars, her mind reeled her back to the conversation she'd had with Lily. The knot in her stomach tightened as she remembered that night. She didn't know how many days it'd been since that night, she didn't want to count either.

"What did he do?"

    Kate shook her head trying to rattle the conversation out of her mind. It was fine now. She knew the truth, that was all that mattered.

You're okay, she coaxed herself. Though she knew she wouldn't be where she was if she were okay.

    Coming over that night was an accident, staying over that night was a mistake. Stroking Lily's hair, their arms tangled with one another as they cried in each other's embrace was a mistake.

Feeling angry she was the only one that went through it was a mistake.

    "You're crazy," she hissed at herself.

    "  — Katherine Rodriguez?" A voice called from behind her. Kate tore her eyes away from the view to the woman who stood across the room. In her hand was a familiar journal.

    She looked the woman up and down taking in the worn dress. Yellow, she noted. Yellow like the first time she came. Yellow like today. Yellow, unlike her.

    "Katherine..." Her voice was distant even as she approached her. There was always a wall between the two.

    "I'm here," grumbled Kate, pushing herself off the couch and walking past her into the room.

    Kate assumed her position across the desk and leaned back in the chair. The only thing that made these visits worthwhile was the feeling of the chair against her back. She couldn't help but wonder how many of her parents paychecks would be needed to buy a chair like this.

Jealously bubbled within her. It was the shuffling behind her that tore her away from pursuing the sinful thought.

    She peered at her as she pulled out a bandaid from the first-aid kit. The two held each other's gaze briefly and it was then Kate took in the dark circles under her eyes. Today, she didn't seem to have as much makeup on. Her laughter lines and wrinkles were visible even from where Kate was. Perhaps it was Kate's judgemental gaze that caused her to look away.

Did she feel grossed out by Kate? Did she for a moment feel what Kate felt every day when someone looked at her for a second too long? Did they imagine what her body would look like on top of theirs?


    Kate turned around as the footsteps grew closer. "How's your husband?"

    "Katherine," she started. The way her shoulders dropped told Kate enough. It wasn't worth it, and even she'd learned it. She couldn't win against Kate. "How are you doing?"

No One Killed Venus WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now