Part One

852 16 3

April 20th 2018 16:30
Clark was standing with his arms crossed and his back to the two teenagers who were standing a few meters behind him. They had been standing there for a few seconds before the cameras zoomed up close to the two boys.

"He's been standing there for five minutes. What's he doing?" Damian asked

"Thinking, I guess" Jon replied

"About what? Everything's taken care of- - it's all wrapped up!" Damian exclaimed

"I'm not sure I agree with you that everything is all wrapped up, Damian" Clark interrupted

"Super-hearing Dummy, remember?" Jon laughed pointing at his ear

"Stupid powers" Damian sighed

Clark turned around and walked towards the young teens and stopped in front of the two of them.

"Maybe I need to reassess this... partnership of yours" Clark stated

"Tt, I knew this was coming" Damian sighed taking his mask off

"What was that, young man? Speak up" Clark said

"Nothing sir, something stuck in my teeth" Damian replied

"You seem to be a catalyst of some far-flung future maelstrom that ends up engulfing my son, well I'm sure you can understand my trepidation at allowing you boys to engage in any more crime-fighting together" Clark said in response

"You always..." Jon started

"It's my line now Kent" Damian spat

"Cut, cut" Peter Tomasi said from one of two directors chairs

"Boys this scene has been one of the best so far no forgotten lines but Jon it's Damian and then you okay" Patrick Gleason the other director said

"Okay sorry" Jon replied

"So where are we going from" Damian asked

"We will go from Clark saying engage" Tomasi answered

"Okay take your places" Gleason exclaimed

They all returned to their places and began when Tomasi shouted action

"Engage in any more crime-fighting together" Clark said

"I believe we're talking about a possible future. Not one set in stone" Damian replied

"You always say we make our own fate, Dad...that we make our own choices" Jon interrupted

"Yes, but anything I can do in the here and now to make sure certain paths aren't taken, I have to consider. I'm your Father, and I refuse to believe that you'll destroy- -" Clark said with frustration

"Look, Jon's possible future was already altered the minute Drake absorbed the solar flare from him" Damian interrupted

"It's your possible future I'm worried about, Damian" Clark said

Clark went from looking at both boys to just Damian

"Whatever Jon did, he did to stop you. It could still mean he'd step over a line to try and save you, and that's not a chance I'm willing to take as his Father. I have two jobs: To protect this world to the best of my abilities and to raise and protect my son" Clark stated

"I swear to you sir, I will never put your son in harm's way" Damian stated in response

"Just like you're here now to protect me, I'm going to be there to protect Damian and whatever world I have to in this possible future, if it ever happens" Jon exclaimed

"And it's a two-way street, Mr.Kent. I'll be there to protect Jon" Damian said

Jon looked to Damian and said "Staying close to Damian- -being a friend in good times and bad- -is the answer, not pushing him away. We only learn by making our own choices, Dad" Jon stated

Clark turned to his son and smiled and placed his hand on his sons right shoulder

"How's you get so smart?" Clark asked

"I guess by listening to you and Mom all the time?" Jon replied

"All the time, Hmm?" Clark questioned

"Well...maybe most of the time" Jon laughed

"Tt, tossing all this sugar's turning me into a diabetic" Damian gagged

This was said as the three walked out of the the Fortress of Solitude set as the directors yelled cut and the three came back out to them.

"That was marvellous" Tomasi said

"You should all be proud" Gleason said

"I know I am Kent learn when to say your lines" Damian stated

"That was a simple mistake" Jon laughed

"We'll go rest up we shoot the final scene of the movie tomorrow" Tomasi said

"Okay see you all tomorrow" Damian replied walking off

"Damian wait up" Jon said running after him

"I'll see you boys tomorrow, now I best be off" Clark said walking another way

As the lights started going off on the set, Damian and Jon walked towards the door and out to the costume trailers.

"So are we going to do our thing" Jon asked

"You mean our sleep over in my trailer on our last night of shooting" Damian questioned

"Yeah" Jon replied

"Yeah sure why end tradition" Damian asked

They got out of their costumes and into their own clothes before going to Damian's trailer, where Damian had a blow up mattress out for Jon the two sat down on Damian's bed and turned on a movie.

"We should go live on Instagram talk to the fans" Jon suggested

"Fine but your hosting I did it last time" Damian replied

"Okay, but remember you've to stop me from spoiling anything" Jon stated

"I know you blabber mouth" Damian said

Jon pulled out his phone and opened Instagram and began the lives video. The comments were going crazy, as fans asked questions about the movie they guested a few people before finally turning in for the night.

"Okay off my bed" Damian said kicking Jon

"Ouch" Jon said hitting the floor

"Sorry" Damian laughed

"No your not" Jon stated

"No, no I am not Kent. Now shut up and sleep we have a long day tomorrow and I need to deal with Garfield" Damian sighed

"I don't get why you don't like him" Jon said

"He's annoying like you" Damian said

"If me and him were alike you wouldn't be talking to me" Jon said

Damian began snoring

"I see how it is, night Damian" Jon said collapsing on the bed

"Finally peace" Damian sighed with a smirk

"I hate you" Jon said

"Good" Damian laughed

The two boys stoped talking then, Jon tossed and turned until he got comfortable so he could sleep peacefully. Damian simply lay there looking out the trailer window until his eyes got heavy and shut as he drifted off to sleep.

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