Hyejin frowns for a moment, asking, "Are you tired?"

Wheein pauses, before shaking her head. 

"Got something on your mind?"

Then the girl nods and sat back up, wiping at her eyes. 

Hyejin fixes her backpack behind upright, despite no support for it to remain standing. So she fixes her posture, crisscrosses her legs, and opens her arms, nudging Wheein slightly. Wheein slowly crawls in her direction as Hyejin gathers the girl into her arms, giving space for her to rest her head near her chest. 

"What's on your mind, honey?"

Wheein just shrugs in her grasp, feeling all her words planned out in her head yet not coming out of her mouth. She hated it when that happened𑁋when she would know what to say but it would just feel different saying it out loud. Perhaps that's why she would mostly keep these feelings to herself, but now, Hyejin was here.

"Just worried, I-I think. About my... my grandmother, school, and... you..."

Hyejin lifts a slight brow, "About me?"

Wheein finds herself slightly distracted from listening to the thundering heartbeat of Hyejin near her ears. "Um, I'm worried about how... your parents, you know..."

Hyejin felt surprised from Wheein becoming worried about her well-being when around her parents. 

"You don't need to worry, it's okay," she reassures calmly. "My mother... she wants to repair her relationship with me." 

Wheein's eyes widen slightly. "She... does?" 

"Yeah, she does," Hyejin says lowly. "I... accepted it. But..." 

She bites her lip out of guilt from having trouble of ridding of all this guilt she had inside of her. She didn't expect that her sudden outburst would result into this change with her relationship with her mother. She didn't expect for her mother to... actually want to change.  

"I've been living with all this guilt on my shoulders. I want to talk to them, but I feel like I'll screw it up again, you know?" Hyejin shakes her head. "I want to fix my relationship with them too, but I don't even know where to start if I can't even make eye contact with them. I want to... tell them things, I want to open up, but how?" 

Some silence ensues before Wheein responds with a low, "Oh." 

For a moment Hyejin thought that Wheein would leave her hold, but the small girl only presses herself more comfortably in her grasp. It overwhelms Hyejin slightly, yet despite the long history of intimacy shared between them, it still felt like an entirely new experience to her, and to Wheein as well. 

"Can I... can I ask you something, Hyejin-ah?"

Hyejin suddenly felt her throat become dry. "Of course."

Wheein lifts her head back up, slightly separating from Hyejin's hold in order to make eye contact with her. 

"Would you ever... tell your parents... about us?"

The sudden acknowledgement about their relationship made both of them equally speechless afterwards for a few moments. 

"Honestly? I-I don't even know myself," Hyejin says, unsure of herself. "I don't know what they'll think about it, or what they'll do. They had the grand idea of moving again and... I couldn't, and it spiraled into that fight. I couldn't stop. And I feel like if I tell them anything, then..." 

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