Palm Tree Dreams

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I dream of long summers

Spent at the beach

Palm trees

With purple skies as their backdrop

For coconut water

And fresh honeydew

Having pineapple for breakfast

And the salty smell that tells you the ocean is near

To be permanently stuck in my hair

Seashells lining bathroom mirrors

And clocks

And literally anything

That hangs on the walls

To lounge by the pool

Tanning all afternoon

But never burning

To sit shotgun in a convertible

Enjoying island ice cream

These are my palm tree dreams

Full of flamingoes and macaws

Instead I'm stuck here

Surrounded by fields of corn and soybeans

Pastures of cows and horse farms

With no ocean or beach in sight

But one day

I promise

One day

I'll have my palm tree dreams

Turned to realities

Leaving Behind the Endless Fields of Corn and SoybeansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora