Our Old N64

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I catch myself

Thinking about the

"Good ol' days"

More and more

The nostalgia

Creeps up


Only announcing its arrival

Once it's fully enveloped you

And you can't shake it off

I hope I'm not the only

Thinking so much about back then

I hope you've been thinking about those days too

Maybe not as frequently

But I hope you've thought of them

At least one or two times


Our old Nintendo 64?

And those nights

Those long nights

Playing game after game

It was almost always mario kart

Race after race


Can you believe we thought those graphics were actually pretty good?

I miss those nights

We'd eat way too much pie and ice cream

And fall asleep not on the couch

But on the floor next to it

The boxy tv still flickering with light

Telling us how poorly we did on Rainbow Road

Leaving Behind the Endless Fields of Corn and SoybeansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora